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dare I say that with mass block import/export this is already more usable than Mastodon's :")

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now has an admin panel!

it's separate from GTS itself, authenticated over OAUTH like any other client (so these same api's can be implemented by any other ActivityPub clients too)

nice hack on the bulk import field, it accepts both newline separated plaintext and a json :)

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showcase video for all the domain (un)blocking functionality, already more flexible than mastodon's :))

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this is the only out-of-band info it gets, so it knows what not to provide as editable fields (and hides some superfluous info)

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bro what the actual fuck im just trying to read some fucking documentation

really going into techgore territory here.. it'll fit something like this. That VGA will go into a hdmi converter which goes to a capturecard on the pi-kvm

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they publish .step 3d models on the site <3 time to print out and see how it fits in the case.. I screwed off the mounting bracket from the gpu because it'll be backwards in the case lol

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size based lru working super well, you can see the drop of multiple entries to make space for a new, larger entry, while the cache's size always stays below 100MB

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.