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Now working on the tamafoxi, the hardware is coming along nicely

picture 1: the OLED display showing a cut-off Hello World

picture 2: the back, an ESP32 D1 Mini breakout, with yellow-blue wires connecting it to the display

picture 3 and 4: the battery and additional protoboard being held together by more wires, twisted together

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All set up with my new Arch install~

Updated my fetch script so it has a nice smol arch logo, and changed a lot of stuff for my bar (in Rust, oof); It now loads the colors from pywal!

lol, was looking for glitchart wallpapers on my fav site, see a bunch tagged with # nazi # fashwave
first result for # nazi is this :antifa:

saw cute art while looking for wallpapers, and was reminded of this video:
A woman in the Moscow metro with a tame fox on her shoulder

backpack review 3/4
it comes with lots of zipped parts for all your parts/tools/cables, and the main section has these velcro dividers you can place yourself

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backpack review 2/4
The materials are super nice, and it's all really good quality. Part of it's features is the hard protector that loops all the way around, preventing your stuff from squishing

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.