
All set up with my new Arch install~

Updated my fetch script so it has a nice smol arch logo, and changed a lot of stuff for my bar (in Rust, oof); It now loads the colors from pywal!

@kropot Well powertop has an estimated remaining time of 3 hours, 29 minutes, which isn't great, but I haven't done any tweaks or anything so it could probably be a lot better

@f0x I wonder if switching from gnome makes it better, while still being usable enough for random users

@kropot bspwm isn't going to be useable at all for random users, it does need a fair bit of tweaking/custom scripts.
Also the tiling wm paradigm doesn't seem too user-friendly in general, as everyone is used to floating from windows and macos

@f0x looks awesome! Is your setup available somewhere?

@amro It's been a while since I updated my dotfiles, but the main new part is the program that powers my lemonbar:

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