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Hi, I finished a commission of #FFXIV astrologian Lilian Myriad. Thank you kindly for your support!

@dankwraith there's also this "sister bundle" they're offering that has several more rpgs, with proceeds also going to black visions collective

i got both ofc!

re: a thought on being politically useful at protests 

basically, ask the question of 'what is stopping other people who want to protest from going out and protesting', and serving that need.

childcare is probably a big one right now! other respite care as well.

if you feel you can't safely be on the front lines, as it were, consider if you can offer to babysit, or if you can maybe sit with someone's disabled great-aunt who needs home care.

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begpost, asking for finanicla help 

Hey y'all, we're still in a bad situation. We're getting benefits but that barely covers everything. We have £69 to last until the 11th of June, which isn't going to last. I'm open for commissions or if anyone can donate that would be amazing

Uspol, Canpol + resources 

Can't do much to help with protest efforts beyond spread the word that demonstrations are being held up here too. has useful info for the demonstrations in , but idk what's out there for vancouver

We're all in this together ✊

Which is not to say her current compositions are lacking! Also recently released was which I find intensely foreboding and a well-balanced piece!

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This return to her classic style really touches upon her inspirations of Hiroki Kikuta and is what got me hooked on her!

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Aw heck allow me to gush about Sei Mutsuki for a moment because she put out a remix of one of her classic tunes +o+

I am sleepy and wanna cuddle a big fluffy moth, doze off under its soft wings

uspol, cop mention 

Any word on whether any police union offices have been wrecked? Those are probably the worst offenders besides cops themselves for accountability

asking for help to get away from an abusive living situation, boosts needed 

does anyone nearby (i'm in riverside county, in southern california) have a place i could stay in the near future? like, a couch i could sleep on? not yet, but it looks like things are gonna go to shit pretty soon no matter what i do, so it'd be nice to have an escape plan ready. my parents have been incredibly abusive since i moved back in with them, especially since they found out i was trans. today they went into my backpack and took all my hormones, and that's only the tip of the iceberg of the bullshit they've put me through. at the end of next month they wanna take me to mexico and i wanna be gone before then. please help.

Reminder: the full saying is "one bad apple spoils the bushel".

I feel like I need to make an elfibot that just posts lämp. or lamps.

Hey, fediverse. Could you recommend me a free 3D modelling program? I'm looking to build low-poly game assets mostly based around primitive shapes.

If I'm going to get back into for real I'm probably going to need a more full-featured code editor than pluma... Any recommendations?

Full of fluff and whimsy! Sponsor a moth fairy today!

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Moth! Fairy!! Moth! Fairy!! Moth! Fairy!!

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