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Nature: So, what shade of blue would you like to be?

Splendid Fairy-wren: Yes

#urbanNature #wildOz

Pay What You Want sketch commissions are still available until I get my replacement stylus delivered to me!

It's the 1st of the month tomorrow, so all of my money will disappear to the rent void :< Help a goblin out by getting a silly little sketch for yourself or a friend! It can be WHATEVER YOU WANT (basically)!!!

:ko_fi: 🍩 $5+ sketches! Gettem!!! 🍩 :ko_fi:

#sketch #commission #commissions #CommissionsOpen #kofi #KoFiCommission #art #MastoArt #CreativeToots #fediart

Remember kids: if the government shutdown this weekend, that includes the FCC.
I've got my RF modulator hooked up already. NTSC analog TV on VHF channel 6 is ready to go the instant the government shuts down.
Pirate TV forever!

Dark Magic Girl keycaps + matching deskmats are live for pre-order! :abunhdhappy: Would appreciate any shares + boosts if you know a friend who would like this pastel goth purple look. :abunhdhappyhop: #mechanicalkeyboards #shopsmall #magicgirl #lavender

pre-order here:

Oppose The Indian Hindu Nationalist Rhetoric Of “Hinduphobia” by Harsha Walia, Vasanthi Venkatesh, Anita Lal, Fahad Ahmad, M. V. Ramana, and Srinivas Murthy

"'Hinduphobia' is a reverse-racism-type narrative, deployed to delegitimise the fight against casteism and the oppression of persecuted communities in/by the Indian state by falsely framing India and Hindutva as the victims. This serves to vilify human rights advocates, while creating confusion amongst the broader public about being labeled as 'Hinduphobic' if they speak out for human rights. This dog-whistle campaign does not serve racial justice, it actually weakens it by maintaining Hindu Nationalism and caste supremacy.

... Indian nationalists, as well as caste and Hindu supremacists, falsely portray themselves as victims of 'Hinduphobia' to distract attention from and outcry about the horrific atrocities against Dalits and caste-oppressed people, Adivasis, Muslims, Kashmiris, Sikhs, and Christians"

Things that "everybody knows" that are wrong :boost_requested: (has references to crimes) 

Let's do a round-up of a couple!


The burning down of this library is often seen as one of the biggest losses of culture in history. In reality, it seems that the library mostly stored copies of works, and while big, it stored very few *unique* things - therefore, not much was actually lost.


The claim is that when there are many bystanders of an incident, none will take responsibility. This is based on the murder of Kitty Genovese, where it was claimed that there were many witnesses, but none of them did anything.

That's false - in fact, the amount of witnesses was limited due to the location, and multiple people alerted the police, but the police failed to respond in a timely manner. More recently, research into the bystander effect suggests that the entire theory is wrong - people *do* consistently come to the aid of others.


Claimed to 'prove' that given power, people will turn malicious and start abusing others. In reality, the experiment was fraudulent, and proved no such thing - the guard in the experiment were actively *encouraged* by the researcher to be abusive.


This is often seen as some sort of 'scientifically proven fact' about human behaviour; if you leave vandalism or other "anti-social" behaviour untreated, it will invite more of it.

In reality, this was just made up by a cop in New York, never proven, and used as a justification for violent and oppressive policing tactics. There's no evidence that this is true, or ever was.


This theory claims that when a group of individuals are given access to a common shared resource, they will each act selfishly and collectively exhaust the resource, whereas it would've been fine if one party controlled access. Usually reference over-grazing.

In reality, this concept (in its current form) comes from a thought experiment where it was just *assumed* to be true, rather than from actual research; and instead there is a long history of shared resources being effectively collectively managed without giving any one party total control over access or distribution.

This doesn't stop authoritarians from using the tragedy of the commons as a justification for their accumulation of power; claiming that otherwise, the resources would be exhausted.


This theory claims that victims of crime and/or abuse will develop an irrational attachment to the perpetrator, implying that they can no longer be trusted to have agency in determining how to deal with the situation.

In reality, rather than being based in rigorous research, this concept was coined by a criminologist based on a single bank robbery in (as the name implies) Stockholm.

Crucially, the victims were quite clear about the reason for their trust towards the robbers; the police were acting irresponsibly in this incident, endangering people unnecessarily, and therefore the robbers were the more rational and less dangerous party in the conflict. Not quite the 'irrational attachment' that's so often claimed...

Just found out that Discord's new avatar decorations are $10 US for ONE

for half that price you can help an indie dev make a game and also get a game

Here's the new design. Sends chills up my spine just thinking about it.

SBC manufacturers be like:
"yes, 5V at 8A is perfectly reasonable and not absurd at all"

Inexplicably, my brain has decided 1 in the morning is a great time to get meaningful ideas about colour ramp arrangements.

Sigh... *opens aseprite*

Written and submitted in 1998, WARGAMES 2000 is a never-produced film script for a later-in-life David Lightman-centered hacker film, a direct sequel to Wargames (1983).

since bandcamp's future is uncertain i'm bringing back blamscamp (by @suricrasia ). it lets you make an in-browser player for your album that you can put on! it's pretty easy and straightforward to use and works just fine. you can sell music on itch BTW

Yeah, there’s an amazing new Raspberry Pi out, but also they hired a cop, bragged about it, and then blocked everyone who criticised them, including me

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