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Hey Texans, if you've been without power long enough to lose food and you have homeowners/renters insurance, check your policy. You may have food replacement coverage, apparently many if not most do. Also, take pictures of the foods you lost before you chuck them in case your insurer wants proof.


I want toooo

Lay in my fiancée's arms and play old but good games on my 3DS


bad brain today, wanna cuddle it away

New Gender Direct where they livestream announcements for all the hot new genders

battle of the century

battle of the century

We put a rover on Mars. Can we rescue a floor loom from New York and deliver it to an autonomous zone in Chapel Hill NC, where there's people waiting to use it to clothe the anarchists and homeless folks?

dream, ffxiv 

The music box is interesting because my first FFXIV character, Viola, was a healer and mother who lived in Limsa Lominsa, and one of her keepsakes from her adventures before settling down with her husband was such a thing built into a pair of matching and interlocking bracelets.

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dream, ffxiv 

Last night's dream was eventful, and while I talked to one of my partners about it, I didn't bring it up in here this morning.

I dreamt I was a hyuran orphan girl with psychic (possibly echo-related) powers who got drafted into a garlean experimental unit, and was forced to use my powers to coordinate and enhance the other soldiers.

Something traumatic happened that left me catatonic though, I think I remember trying to psychically connect with Zenos, and I was put on a train back, whereupon there was an attack on the railway and, sensing the panic, I overused my power to telekinetically keep the train from derailing, at the cost of putting myself into a coma.

Back in an imperial hospital, my condition wavered between unconscious but responsive, able to hear and feel what went on around me, and a deep coma where I could only barely sense the feelings of those beside me. Without a sure cure, one of the officers in my unit (who wanted to adopt me) worked together with a doctor to smuggle me to Eorzea, where I was interred at Camp Bronze Lake while alchemical and aetherial resolutions were studied. My condition improved there, and I recall feeling a stuffed moogle being tucked in beside me at night.

I also vaguely recalled hearing a music box melody that helped stir my consciousness...


Today felt... idk, unsatisfying? Unfulfilling? I spent literally half of it asleep and I wasn't really functional or motivated for the other half

Depression must be hitting again, I guess

thonk: pinterest or picrew for studying hairstyles

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