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the tale of the kawaii baby little moth plushie 

so ends the tale of the person whose brain shortcircuited with squee too much to recognize an obvious counterfeit operation. While I'd love to find out more about the original plush moth, my efforts have only turned up other people looking similarly in vain, and I hope this post reaches them.

Epilogue: the money is going to Squishable's poodle moth instead, which is very valid and very cute! Also very backordered. everyone loves the Squishable moths.

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the tale of the kawaii baby little moth plushie 

In any case, the photos accompanying the moth plush listing was obviously previously taken from a long-gone Etsy post, and the product I received... well, I can't say they didn't try either, but I'd love to find out who the original designer was and pay their dues instead.

To note, the head and mouth are pretty different from the original picture (differing proportions to the body, mouth placement and shape are off), and the wings on the plush I received notably lack the sewn veins--or any at all, really.

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the tale of the kawaii baby little moth plushie 

To recap, I ordered this at the beginning of December from a storefront I didn't immediately recognize as suspicious because I was too excitable about a plush moth. Two weeks later, my one other braincell caught up and noted how many red flags there were, and I filed for a refund (which I got) based on the fact that the tracking number was not recognized as valid by any ePacket tracker.

On the 26th of January, to no fanfare at all, the tracking number apparently came to life and the shipment made its way over, despite me having disputed the order and obtained a refund.

A few days ago, the storefront sent out an email saying they were supposedly hacked, which was an obvious excuse for them terminating the domain name and moving on.

Now, when I received it, I had a moment of conscience and wanted to pay them what was owed--which was apparently $5 USD + S&H based on the customs form, rather than the $35 they charged--but since they don't exist in their current form anymore, I can't really do that. Can't say I didn't try.

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aaaaaand I just realized I posted all that for the sake of being indexed by search engines... without setting the posts as public. whoops!

Today's been interesting. Guess what showed up?

Plush looks kinda weird so putting it as sensitive

my old solder was probably decades past its expiry and was just not wetting anymore

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tfw you suddenly remember one of the oldest tricks in the book for desoldering a week after struggling with shit

oh well, when my no-clean stuff arrives

> I can pinpoint precisely the Dark Triad of Web UI Design Choices that addict people to social media and drive us all slowly crazy (by design!):

> Relative timestamps (“3 hours ago” instead of “6:56 PM”). This creates IMMEDIACY.

> Infinite scrolling with no “more” button or link. This creates PERPETUATION.

> Fake internet points (clickable, often animated icons with incrementing numbers. Likes, reactions, upvotes, retweets, etc.). This creates ADDICTION.

A very happy birthday to and a huge thank you for inspiring a lifelong love of reading and much needed role model with a love of science, engineering, and compassion 🥳

:boost_ok: indigenous land destruction, current, action links 

"A Judge. In 2021. Just said it was the right of the US to extinguish Indian title by treaty or SWORD.

When Natives say the system’s anti-Native. We mean it. To this day US enforces laws specifically attacking & discriminating against Natives.

And it’s allowed b/c we’re ignored."

"this is so fucking devastating. please dont ignore this. we need to pay attention and fight this however we can.

here are some resources on ways to help.

donations, spreading the word, contacting state reps, and protesting/direct action are all things we can be doing.

you can also follow ProtectOakFlat for more updates. please pay attention. we need to end colonization before it destroys everything."

GG: ^ more links down thread in linked tweet!

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weather map that looks kinda like a pair of boobs but it isn't 

People: let it snow


The Kevin Bacon game but it's musical talents who worked on Ar Tonelico/Surge Concerto

reality check: my drawing tablet is 17 years old.

17 years old.

it's old enough to drive.

r/traa post, may contain sensitive content (without image description) 

*sharpens sword*

Plural Shitpost 

New headmate just dropped.

NEW VIDEO: POC Representation: Patterns & Pitfalls

sorry for delay on this one/general inactivity on here btw, been very unwell ^^;

pls comment on the yt if you wanna as it helps boost the algorithm ~

Okay so maybe I got my hopes up a little early. I might have to fiddle with my IOMMU stuff again before I can get windows running

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