
dream, ffxiv 

Last night's dream was eventful, and while I talked to one of my partners about it, I didn't bring it up in here this morning.

I dreamt I was a hyuran orphan girl with psychic (possibly echo-related) powers who got drafted into a garlean experimental unit, and was forced to use my powers to coordinate and enhance the other soldiers.

Something traumatic happened that left me catatonic though, I think I remember trying to psychically connect with Zenos, and I was put on a train back, whereupon there was an attack on the railway and, sensing the panic, I overused my power to telekinetically keep the train from derailing, at the cost of putting myself into a coma.

Back in an imperial hospital, my condition wavered between unconscious but responsive, able to hear and feel what went on around me, and a deep coma where I could only barely sense the feelings of those beside me. Without a sure cure, one of the officers in my unit (who wanted to adopt me) worked together with a doctor to smuggle me to Eorzea, where I was interred at Camp Bronze Lake while alchemical and aetherial resolutions were studied. My condition improved there, and I recall feeling a stuffed moogle being tucked in beside me at night.

I also vaguely recalled hearing a music box melody that helped stir my consciousness...

dream, ffxiv 

The music box is interesting because my first FFXIV character, Viola, was a healer and mother who lived in Limsa Lominsa, and one of her keepsakes from her adventures before settling down with her husband was such a thing built into a pair of matching and interlocking bracelets.

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