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subtoot, Matrix and alternatives 

@joepie91 Unable to decrypt assignment

@lyncia shinugayoi posting is one of my favourite varieties of dollposting

In historical Scotland, saining (a practice to cleanse or bestow protection upon something or someone) was once common place.
#folklore #Scotland #ScottishFolklore #folkmagic

Hey chat. You know what would be really funny? If for her birthday, you help @virtually_char reach 1000 followers on Twitch. We're just 11 away from her goal. 💚

@davidrevoy this is something that has bugged me about inkscape for the longest time. Why even have page sizes for various print formats if it's still only in RGB?

I really just wish we lived in a world where people would respect nature, especially its smallest citizens. I'm genuinely so glad my parents raised me this way.

Remain curious about what's out there, don't be afraid of the unknown, marvel rather than reject. 🐞

@polpo @mos_8502 Might keep that in mind myself O: Might be a bit fussy with a splitter depending on how persnickety it is about signal modes though...

kirk was a pen drawing before becoming A Real Boy. because of that, he's full of ink and can use that ink to do cool things! like this, lol


two furries in skimpy two-piece swimsuits 

@trysdyn oh my gosh, this is adorable

@trysdyn A couple times usually. I feel like the first pass is enough to line stuff up so that I know what I want

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