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computer & 🥺 

google translate's read source text thing reads emojis out.. ask me how i know dfigjiodfgj

(i was talking to someone with it and typed in a 🥺 expecting not to see it)

mei 🌒& boosted

just posting.. 

im just posting im just posting im just posting i swear..

re: nixos/nixpkgs dev, slight frustration but its funny 


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nixos/nixpkgs dev, slight frustration but its funny 

Oh no! 💥 💔 💥
Oh no! 💥:trans:​👩‍💻🎆LGTM✅

i think it'd be neat if i had an IME that autocompleted my (english) words and reshuffled the words in sentences
i often type "maybe at joes better" (fake shop name) since the additional qualifiers feel obvious and i'm only going to be adding them to Important Things where there isn't enough context already visible to me.

so i end up with "maybe at joes better^W←←better←it'd be" (i.e. having edited it to "maybe it'd be better at joes") and those ctrl-←'s are a lot of wasted effort imo

mei 🌒& boosted

does anyone onhere have phone recommendations?
I'm looking for something that

runs android 12 or newer
has a reasonably good camera
has a 3.5mm jack
is not horrible to root
has fingerprint unlock and nfc
has a usable default rom (so something close-ish to stock android, no adware and not horribly laggy)
has 64gb or more storage
supports dual physical sim
has decent battery

I don't play games or do anything resource-heavy, mostly just take photos, talk with people and look at fedi, so it doesn't need to be incredibly high end. The one I found so far that fits the requirement is Asus Zenfone 9 but I would rather not pay /that/ much for A Phone


dual sim is a hard requirement, both also must be physical. I have an old ukrainian sim and a german one and I need both at the same time
please don't suggest phones that have bad stock roms but can be made better with custom roms. that's exactly what I've been using for the last 3 years and I no longer feel like the cost of "taking photos is a pain + notifications randomly break all the time + random crashes" is worth it for me

notes 2:

please do not suggest phones without dual physical sim support. by "hard requirement" I mean "if this phone does not have it, I cannot buy it"
actually just, no pixel phones please. every single person recommends them and they're always missing things from the requirements list

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lyricposting (derivative of blissom stupid art) 

as an artist drowned in meaning
change the message but
not the meaning

@thufie could we maybe have more blobcats with consistentish prefixes? we hab :blobCat_amogus:​ and :blobcat:​ and :blobcatadorablepink:​ (notice names) but no blobcat relaxed or nod or box or made-out-of-cookies blobcat (mmew..)

if you or f0x gave me access to the emoji thing i'd be okay with adding them myself
if u wan do it then they're all in the # room on mtx

<33 thank u for instance & modding <33 👁️

caps, unhinged 

M.H.W.A.B 🛐


cute beings bite on their ed25519 private key once a day to make sure it doesn't expire!

mei 🌒& boosted

You can do

sudo ethtool --identify eth0

to let your Ethernet port flashing its LEDs.

(It only works with the more expensive network chips, not the cheap ones from Realtek for example)

the most shit of postig 

are you my hdr tonemapping algorithm

mei 🌒& boosted
one thing i'd like to see in a microblogging service is decoupling accounts from follow channels. so instead of having alts u can have ur 'main stream' and opt-in 'vent' or 'lewd' or 'art' or 'friends' or whatever and any of these can be set to private individually. like if u had multiple twitter circles but circle members chose to be there instead of being dragged in

love is the ultimate force
love is the ultimate force
love is the ultimate force..

for the things we do that make us become who we are
for the things we say

cont: retort, heavy 

i do write the alt text and i do write the CWs and i don't post the way i feel about the rise of fascism or what i think im built from mentally and i guess i can also handle the posty box being tiny

but after all that shit i have no energy left here if i want to post more deeply about how i feel, to make friends with my thoughts, to let someone relate, to not worry about whether my thought has good vibes because it feels like i'll get nuked if i fuck up once because my brain decided to be mean to me and i needed to write it somewhere so my friends can know whats up. so even if that probably wont happen i cant relax and just write stream-of-thoughts and livepost.

all of these are Not A Big Deal, a Tolerable Cost but there are simply too many!! what to do??

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fedi meta, i am tired of posting, so please let me post, much bitching but its important 

this platform is accursed. i have a thought. i'd like to post it.
- i open the webby site
- i get my brain bombarded by 3-5 other posts without even scrolling
- i TRY to remember what it was, and write it
- i need to figure out what CWs fit
- i probably can't post it if it's too controversial or triggering to someone
- i'm so, so tired of writing alt text and i've yet to know someone blind even
- with every word i write i can feel the thousand retorts e.g. "oh but im autistic and i rely on those alt texts too" well guess what its my post and im autistic too
- i read more posts i dont care about here or can do nothing to help with than just about any other platform, email or twitter or cohost are *all* better at this
- i am currently focused on the lists tab of the masto ui to not see the live post feed (even twitter has a "Show $x tweets" popup when theres more to read!!)
- i'd like to write deep posts but this community feels shallow as heck and i have 88 followers currently which is an absurd number of people to be reading my inner thoughts. pls let me post to a list and have that be more direct and separate from the big tl. fuck i might just host a mailing list for this.
- i have seen the same post 2382374 times because it shows you it again when another mutual boosts it?? come on..
- why cant i click on a hashtag and mute it
- why cant i write a filter for a single mutual
- why cant i limit the range of posts i see. i dont wanna see posts of someones friend's friend's friend's friend. [that's too many people to worry about](, i cant fit them all in my heart.
- why cant i see my friends posts. no i dont care if they're on i just wanna see their posts in my client. goddamn

probably more missed

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