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mei 🌒& boosted

complaining about people posting 4chan screenshots or wojaks 

if i see you post wojaks or 4chan screenshots, i will block you. fuck them. 4chan screenshots are garbage, seriously. 1, they're not funny. 2, they're screenshots of a horribly bigoted site with horribly bigoted white supremacist culture who loves being anti-Black and who loves to drop the r slur every 1 second and by posting screenshots from that site, you normalise channer culture and that's horrible and disgusting. fuck 4chan, fuck greentexts, and fuck wojaks.

mei 🌒& boosted

#Trans friends, I was thinking about our diverse stories, and found myself wondering about the age you knew you were trans (whether you had language to describe it or not)?

I didn't know until my late 40s. Earlier, I knew I was different, but not really in what way.

When did you know?

Please boost for reach, let's get a big sample size!

i love computers sometimes // nixos appreciation // somewhat high amount of words 

okay okay so I have this ridiculous set up but basically I'm fetching an SSL certificate for nginx into a tmpfs / and nginx needs to start after the download finishes and I just did this first run without much thought since it's almost *just a codebase*:
this worked first try. it took me longer to figure out how to test it properly then to write the fix and rebuild it. like woooot :blobcateyes:

mei 🌒& boosted

(another) pixel security vulnerability — open parent post 

@delroth (to boost)

mei 🌒& boosted
2 years in IT:
yeah🧑‍💻 mate I tell ya these servers are f'ed up 🤬 we gonna need to fix em real quick 🔧💻👔

8 years in IT:
I sensed 🏳️‍🌈 the faint 🥺 of a poor UwuPS failing 😳 we gotnya~ 👉👈 log into the ciscOwo 💜 to wireshörk this 🦈🏳️‍⚧️✨
mei 🌒& boosted

wife appreciation, long post, gaydump, very first world middle class 

I love my wife so fucking much ❤️❤️❤️

without her, I literally would've never learned about who I really am, which is something I can never thank her enough for ❤️

moreover, she was the only reason I ever diversified my interests and found a job in programming that feels like it actually matters to me; without that, I would still be stuck in a shitty badly paying .NET job that I hate 😅

she was also the one who showed me how great traveling can be; to this day, I probably never would've boarded a plane, or taken a night train, or a long distance bus, without her. I was basically living in a basement and never interested in seeing the world until she showed me how great it can be ❤️ nowadays I really enjoy organizing trips to all sorts of places, all thanks to her :3

same goes for theme parks and rollercoasters! I had never had a real rollercoaster ride before meeting her, and just as with the flying on a plane, she was with me when I had my first one :3
there are very few real theme parks in Austria and I never went to one here, the first one I visited was one near her old home ❤️

through the travel but also work things, she also opened my eyes for the possibilities of moving! both within my country and potentially abroad one day. I never would've moved to Vienna and met so many amazing people here without her :3

even though our interest in Beyblade may have waned over all the years since we met in the Beyblade forum, it will always have a special place in our hearts as well :D

just like Pokémon! something she got me into at first, and something we now share forever, always getting the couple edition when new games come out ❤️ (my fave Pokémon is probably still Snivy, and hers is Mightyena, and we love to play all gens over and over :3)

I am endlessly grateful for her staying with me through good and bad times over the last seven years, even back when I was still a really shitty person and honestly really had done nothing to deserve her. she still stayed with me and we both grew so much together ❤️

I want to forever be with her, forever play games and go to the cinema together (which is also something I never would've thought of doing before!), forever visit all sorts of places around the world and go to all of the cool museums and zoos and theme parks with her ❤️ and swimming! we maybe want to move to the seaside one day, but until then, I will organize as many trips to the sea as possible, we really love swimming together as well, and we especially love the sea :3

the years we were together so far were the best of my life, and they only proceed to get better and better with every single day; no matter what life brings, I will never want to miss her in mine, cause she's the greatest part of it, and by far the most important one to me. she is my life ❤️

if I was any good at poetry, I'd probably add a cheesy poem here :D

I'm just,,, literally so fucking gay for her ❤️

I never want to miss her showing me something she's drawn, or picrews of us that she made, or fanart of her current hyperfocus, and I could listen to her telling me about her vivid dreams and the fantasy worlds she develops in her head for days at a time ❤️

I love going out shopping with her as well! (perks of being a couple of two fem girls :D) that's also something I never could've seen myself enjoying in my earlier life <3

...and I haven't even started talking about how fucking cute she is! Like a 160cm bunny full of pure anger and destruction :3
But also so, so full of love, both for me and her friends ❤️

It's the little things as well - I want to forever exchange cute bunny and rodent and dog gifs and dumb memes with her ❤️ I love joking about all sorts of things together. inside jokes that only we and maybe sometimes a small set of friends know. spending time with our friends together, no matter in what way ❤️

I cannot imagine how miserable my life would be without her - I want to thank her for everything she's given me, for everything she keeps giving, and for everything that's still yet to come 💝💓❤️

music, synesthesia 

brain says is a yellowish orange. like the red and blue is pretty balanced . a calm neutral orange like that,,,

the vox specifically i think but the whole thing is so tasty

mei 🌒& boosted

@checkervest there was a politician called Horace Greeley (1811–1872) who stood against Ulysses S Grant in the US presidential election, and, obviously, lost it.

He ran a newspaper which promoted socialism, vegetarianism, teetotalism, and feminism; it had the first female Senate reporter, and *Karl Marx* as a foreign correspondent.

His wife died a week before the election. He'd called off campaigning to be with her. He died brokenhearted before the Electoral College met.

mei 🌒& boosted

uspol satire; open parent post 

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

hey #NEISvoid, #disabled people, #wheelchair users, who here uses the type of assistive drive on a manual where you still self propel but it's easier, and can answer me a couple questions?

(Bonuspunkte für Leute in Deutschland #Rollstuhl)

grateful for RT so I can find my people

mei 🌒& boosted

Job search, boost please! (again) 

I'm still looking for a job! Please help me with this however you can! I'm doing what I can on my end, but recommendations/referrals do help a lot! :aliceweh:

Comp sci degree
1.5 years as a software test engineer
Python and NodeJS for my relevant experince, but I'm a fast learner and know a few others as well
Same field, full stack web dev, sysadmin, or dev ops stuff is right up my alley
Looking for remote, but can commute (Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN, USA)
I'm a trans woman, so clear acceptance/queer coworkers are a huge plus

Entry level would be best, I don't have enough work experience for most places to look at me mid-level. DM for a resume or any questions, take a look at my site for some examples of things I do!

Thanks so much for all of y'all's continued support! :aliceheartblack:
#GetFediHired #HachyJobs

re: music at reader, slightly screenreader unfriendly 

(she is tapping along to a MIDI version of Quiet and Falling from Celeste)

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music at reader, slightly screenreader unfriendly 

*arpeggios you on the floor 1 two 3 four! 100bpm*

mei 🌒& boosted

me, singing to my Dell R720 rackmount server 

happy birthday 2U

half joke , chaotic 

its the best day of my lfie !!! the new SEASon of the BLACKLIST cma e out !! there's one episode!!

mei 🌒& boosted

trans stuff, kinda heartwarming 

Got in a random convo with my dad about #trans stuff. Background is, he’s been generally supportive in theory but clearly nervous about talking about it at all, and I’ve been following his lead. So this was a bit of a departure.

Spoiler: the questions and comments were mostly adorable, and amazingly similar to many conversations within the trans community 💕

“I understand L, G, B, and T. But what is Q? I am completely baffled.”

“You said hormones are basically like another puberty. So does that mean you’ll grow taller?”

“Are there a lot more trans women than trans men? Because nobody ever talks about trans men.” 😍

“I can totally understand not wanting boobs. I would find them very annoying.” 😂

“Why is everyone so worried about trans women in bathrooms? Who would bother dressing as a woman and changing their name just to assault someone? I don’t get it”

“So if someone is female and changes to male but was always interested in women, does that mean they are straight?”


Folks, if a 70+ rural-raised cis white dude living in Trumpland can be this thoughtful, so can anyone

cockroach vs. ckie 

okay so on the one hand i am scared shitless of the damn thing climbing on me

BUT on the other hand i WILL chase it with the noisy vaccum cleaner at 5am to try to suck it into it. it's hiding out in a trashcan now and that's good enough for me..

still, held that vaccum with a long lead for long enough that my arm got sore

mei 🌒& boosted

concept: private tracker just for trans girls to share their favorite media, linux ISOs, and tentacle mangas with each other

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