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(but in a hard to articulate visual way that people adore but can't name)

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we don't wanna pass as fem we wanna pass as cute af 🥺


Bookso sobks obks obksob ksob ksboksboks

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

i just awawawawa'd my psych and he asked if i'm a fox

mei 🌒& boosted
ok. trans dot enby dot town maintenance for 1 hour. the other user is annie and she is in the bath rn


girl in the train has massive booba and a cute outfit and she's talking w her friend and I am jealous,,, 🥺

body-, honestly cute suffering 

ow ow cramps i slept kind of like spooning myself on my side curled up in a little ball and now my muscles ache from having been stretched all night... ow

mei 🌒& boosted

Big congrats to Spain for successfully passing reforms of their gender recognition laws today 💜

neopronouns are so cool tho . you explicitly pick them and you can make them sound tangential or just like your name . and then its so much less ambigious when you're talking in a group

reddit repost, trans ± 


@nasser hi! followed (request? will find out shortly!) since the قلب/elb looks cool and this is the second time we've seen your outrageously weird(-in-a-lovely-way) site :D congrats on the new instance :D

emojo spam 

simply moving✋ my windows🪟 out of the way 🧱 so my cat🐈 can continue obstructing❌ the screen :blobcatreading:

mei 🌒& boosted

boost this post if you:

* have a crush on a mutual

* have begun questioning your gender identity

* are the the unidentified high altitude object shot down by the US military in Alaskan airspace near midday on Friday February 10 2023

no one will ever know which

mei 🌒& boosted
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