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thunderbird opens a little browser window for oauth2 and since its the browser it just checks when the browser is redirecting to the redirect uri and uses that instead of listening on localhost. but if you already have somethin on https ://localhost then it fails to get this redirect caught because its an error? and then it doesnt work. if you stop listening on ssl localhost it works.

@mozilla pls fix

repetitive, code? git output. 

commit 43e0236790a61233540e819062925b96c7359ea7 (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
Author: ckie <>
Date: Sun Nov 26 21:09:45 2023 +0200

{hosts/kibako,modules/systemd-initrd}: nimi 'networking' li suli. mi lon e tenpo wawa (nimi 'sudo')


im so normal guys & meows. im so normal. im so normal. im so nromal i,. som n ormal, ,, ,aw, aow masmmraw,omrwa mwramwe mmeww.w.,,.

a little toy problem, minecraft, discussing fictional murder/abuse 

minecraft is .. A Game for sure, i love it but in the default survival mode it's really quite colonialist; player kills animals, or farms them, optionally factory farming, resources from the very pretty(!! even more so with some mods) natural worldgen are dug out, basically open pit mining and it's used to further the creations of players buildings and tools and weapons,

and if you have weapons and are on multiplayer, why not go to war with your friends? destruction is easier than creation, and it implies that the new creation is more important than what is present.

even with all of that, with the right friends i've had a great time playing, being mostly gentle with the world, but it is *hard* to play like that. and so: reader, I ask: what would you change here? how do you teach the player to be gentle to their surroundings intuitively?

hey is there someone here that knows enough Emacs Lisp to help me figure out [my weird issues](, specifically how to debug elisp hard enough to carve out a space to stub straight.el's package ~fetch plans? i have Questions about the debugger and i'm also hoping for tips like "oh there is a very nice debugger called foobar and you should try it" also i need evil mode to use emacs


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