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hey anyone wanna draw me a few icons for my site? :> :boostsPorFavor:

hi, that depression study i tooted a while ago was probably retracted. sorry!

@elilla hi do you have the link to the post where you talk about your multi-tiered approach to bags when traveling w passports etc? thx (:

twitter x-post ((contents, normative person levels of grammar 

[x-post @erikphoel@twitter]

They buried the lede on this new study. It's not that exercise beats out SSRIs for depression treatment, but that *just* dancing has the largest effect of *any treatment* for depression.

That's kind of beautiful.


hi boosting from cohost, if someone from boston can help or find help for this creature escaping their house :boostsPorFavor:

hey ! can someone recommend me a raspi-like with a nvme slot ? runs nixos and has a few cores maybe a rockchip

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