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aaa IV-V-iii-vi is everywheeree

still at the stage where i feel like it's cursed when i recognize it


have been on a few trains today and there are so many cute sapphics ,,,

mei 🌒& boosted
mei 🌒& boosted

@mira hey your track Dominate just came on in my mpd and its firee!!

mei 🌒& boosted

when gamers say gg it means good girl right

D/s belittling, assumes girl 

awee, look at you cute thing going to get your drinky since you've been metabolizing so much to stay warm! such a good girl!

re: i18n nightmare fuel 

i wanted :blobcatsunglasses: but we don't have that

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i18n nightmare fuel 

i just found out i can render hebrew fonts in my head and they actually go right-to-left but sorta half center aligned like how chromium does it :blobCat_amogus:

mei 🌒& boosted

does anyone know any good slice-of-life fiction set in a post-capitalist utopia? I really wany something happy to read.

feel free to boost!

ln -s /dev/null /dev/tcp/

so cute how i just get to press these little "show more" buttons and i just get another lil tidbit and i can do that again and again to get more

does feel faster to anyone else? it's nice (:
@f0x 👁️

trans~ voice 

fuck every time I'm around the actively-voice-training people I get so jealooouss. i miss that.

we had like, *the* same outfit and we smiled at eachother then once i passed i started blushing so muuch,

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