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i went outside and passed by another femme on the street for a moment and aaa sooo pretttyyy~


starting the day off with underscores - Spoiled little brat :blobcat:

late stage capitalism 

ugch this makes me physically sick

> As we mentioned then, if you have been using your Oculus account to log into Meta VR devices, you will need to
> create a Meta account to continue to use those devices after January 1, 2023. Failure to create an
> account will result in losing access to your device and eventually your data.

*makes lil squeaks and opens new empty tabs in excitement*

re: i am trying out she/her, meta 

eh might as well go all the way for this Experiment .. profile update inc

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i am trying out she/they, meta 

trying to figure out if it feels weird on here because /she/ implies imposing gender expectations on me or because i feel like i don't deserve|meet those expectations

*listening to a bopper*
*click profile*
dude is 14??


the theme of naming

oh the temptation to post a live transcription of everything I say to a private account

mei 🌒& boosted

The more you're on (birdsite), the harder it is not to fall into the trap of attacking people and becoming defensive. Diversity of thought and experience can be a beautiful thing, but not if toxic elements are allowed to act under the guise of diversity, infecting us all.

Paradoxically, you have to be willing to fight to have peace. You have to be willing to burn bridges to protect the well-being of yourself or others.

Achieving peaceful, loving environments must be a choice between the inhabitants of that environment. Sometimes people aren't ready to open their hearts up yet and practice honesty and vulnerability. Sometimes they're so damaged from the world that their defenses are always up.

I have been trying for the last year or two to shed the need to hide my heart to avoid letting someone hurt me. It's hard, it's weird, it's sometimes very foreign.

But the beauty of the connections I've been making make it all worth it. The more I move towards openness, the more authentically, the more deeply I become myself.

computer lol 

the most descriptive logs :blobcat0_0:

mei 🌒& boosted

Do you understand sampling bias? Please boost after voting so the poll can have better statistics

mei 🌒& boosted

no, trans women are not a monolith. we don't all sleep with ikea sharks and touch computers for a living. but there is a near-mystical force that binds all of us: the shared understanding that whatever life is going to throw at us, we'll face it as ourselves. this is a precious and hard earned thing, and cis people don't inherit it automatically. you are all strong and beautiful.

hey fedi, mutuals, write with me!

she's sitting on the old apartment's porch looking out into the rain hitting the lit-up tents and sighs (like "lets go down") as she carefully jumps down to the ground and starts walking towards one of the tents

mei 🌒& boosted

suggestion: estrogen manufacturing sailboat operated by a crew of 12 transfems

the ancient computer says.. 

Usernames created after december 2008 have nick protection enabled by default.
To toggle nick protection for your name, do /msg nickserv set kill ON|OFF
Nick protection requires owners of nicknames to authorize against the nickserv
within 60 seconds after connect.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.