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webbing site (spider habitat or a part of the internet)

Are you new here? New being defined as shorter than 2 months. Today is Nov 6.
I am interested to see how far the fedi reaches.

Please boost. #askfedi #new #poll #toot

waveform fractal dimension? is this an actual thing?

damn getting this old scanner working was a pain, but this one image made it worth it all

meta subposting the new twitter people 

i wonder what closed federation would be like. having one really big circle seems to always lead to an echo chamber and you have to be quite careful to not make a sound that ends up bouncing around in anger for days

and i just want a nice quiet calm community and i am not interested in anything outside my circle of friends and occasionally their friends (sometimes i like them and then i wanna be friends with them too)

every time there's drama it feels like less of a safe space because anger spreads the fastest and it's emotional and messes with cognition. even more so with groupthink

subpost missing cw 

@thufie you boosted the cute newtsoda autism comic, missing cw

fedi meta, programatic solution to mostly social problem 

would be cool if we had more granular post visib based on follower degree of separation. no more scrapers from people in a completely different part of fedi (:

my little local ebook library is growing nicely.. i've read bits of some of them but i think i'm also okay with just getting them and having them sit there for a while (:

maybe eventually I'll make a habit out of reading them instead of youtube

[img cw: book titles, heavy topics in book titles incl sui for one of them]

idk ?mh??w ho knows?? 

they keep on talking and im just farting

software; i will never get tired of nixos 

i just finished the build for my 22GiB system derivation and got it on the newly-formatted machine and within like 30 min I have a usable desktop with all the tabs and files in their usual places with almost all of the usual quirks, just missing a few config files for a few misc programs i haven't nixified, and i3 is doing some weird quirk it doesn't usually do. am mostly satisfied (:

software rant, neg 

i wish more programs had nice wizards like this and didn't assume their users are zero attention span dumbasses. its actually really nice to have it explained to me softly like that with clear options

(even though its just doing it because i'm starting fresh with a ~)

Tech question: A program works, but breaks when you remove a printf/log. What's your first hypothesis, in your language of choice?
(:boost_ok:, just curious)

so weird when you find out your totally different-seeming friends know each other

self-OH: "i need all 2^3 combinations of 😳🥺 and 🥴 mixed together"

trans ymmv 

not seeing the appeal of what gay men like is oddly validating. weird to think that's probably how other people see what feels intuitive and right to me

it is continously amusing to us when we map familiar things in new fields, cat keysmash: 87kjjjjj; or whatever and we just realized there is an *amount* of j's in there and we can *count them* and it's great even though it'd be obvious for anything else

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