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@lyncia but are you getting to a login screen? if yes then this isnt it

@lyncia i hab no idea or brainies to figur out further toda

@lyncia gtg eep but theres a disk id u need to change in the hardware config .nix if u havent already

@x4nw ah . never seen fosstodon on my tl from here being on a less-strictly-blocking instanc would've probably clarified

analysis of 

@x4nw its fascinating you can brainmelt me fairly often with these obscureposts not specifying a type of computer toucher (& making me consider all possibilities playing very well into my own fears of being Bad then getting them cancelled out by my good computer touching)

i often (accidentally) brainmelt people with a similar thing ! this is good data,,,

@x4nw yeah i read it and touched the computer i was reading it on & my brain melted

vote, re: electronics 

@x4nw im biased towards the m68k & also think that playing with a logic analyzer may be more. .. interesting? than logisim that might b kinda repetitive

but i dont do hw much

@nileane this is so good 🥹 (i'm from the federated timeline)

the composition is great!! i've been wanting to get into Serious Photography. what camera was this taken on?


mei 🌒& boosted

it isn't inherently hierarchal to have someone tasked with running/managing/maintaining a thing

work-, bit of first-letter-caps 

work is Urging Me To Touch Some Disgusting Code . Mblregurelreg?

re: kinky 

@daughterofrao dhdhdjd u bring such cursed thoughts to me

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