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@gwenprime awe yeah dude listen to those 24khz peaks... :blobcatdrool:

*her thinkpad emits a single second-long sine awakening the cat and making her run all over the desk*

it seems like writing a chost magically time-travels me +4hrs or something . bonkers .

@wxcafe customizing your own lil space like that & doing ur own wiring & tooling & shelves & layout sounds so appeallinggg to me,, when its a space that's small enough to get around to everything eventually w/o missing anything,, is it like that for u too? have u been able to do the thingies,,?

@artemis woah i never realized there was a fork there (bash),, so cool,,,

@gwenprime it hasn't been that bad for me but i cant figure out a lot of the complex things so theres that also

re: vaping & keeboard shitpost 

@reese :boosts_ok_gay:​?

re: vaping & keeboard shitpost 

@reese pfffttt

mental health exercise, follow along, questions @ u 

> I was in a psych ed group recently and they had a class about social support. There was a short perceived social support questionnaire that listed categories like: "Acceptance" "Encouragement" "Companionship" "Partner for activities" "New Ideas" "Help with tasks" "Guidance" and stuff like that. Then a space to name the person in your life who you go to for each, and a space to note if you're satisfied in that category or need more support, etc.


make a little table, fill it out, maybe try to not go over like 70 characters per list . i did it on the computer.

it's interesting, many gaps - are they gaps you want to fill? can you find new creatures to fill some of your gaps? are you reliant on just a few people? are you looking forward to seeing how new friends will behave?

@thufie sorry after deeper thought i tihnk i actually wouldn't . i'd be good girl !!~~! )!:#!@! (::

mei 🌒& boosted

unity complain 

me: open old project
unity: this project was created with a different version of unity! would you like to download it?
me: yes
unity: downloading.... done
me: open old project
unity: this project was created with a different version of unity! would you like to change its version to one you have?
me: uh sure
unity: the version of this project is not a valid unity version! open anyway?
unity: syntax error in a core unity file!
unity: i dominate the market

re: computer funny~! 

im not sure if it actually did this

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computer funny~! 

ardour is the funniest lil program.. i was meowing at it and then i finished meowing and started exporting it but i hit a key on midi keybkorbook while it was exporting and it made it into the export dsjfdsf

what if we were both girls 👉👈.. and we were using two DAWs at the same time??

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