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im gay, also trying that official mastodon app thing instead of mast, runs pretty well

Today I announced a VTuber group I’ve started and it went pretty well uwu

Today's coding session has resulted in me adding 3 blending modes to Inochi2D, Color Dodge, Linear Dodge and Screen =w=

Visible here is Linear Dodge.

I commissioned いろは ( to draw a chibi version of Inochi2D's mascot.

Which I have now integrated in to Inochi Creator, with a cute little slow bopping animation to boot 🦊 🔧

Oh, and the Japanese translation you might see a bit of is provided by Okuri Sae (

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I commissioned いろは ( to draw a chibi version of Inochi2D's mascot.

Which I have now integrated in to Inochi Creator, with a cute little slow bopping animation to boot 🦊 🔧

Oh yeah, since it's been a while since I've talked here. Hey, I'm Luna. I'm a software developing foxgirl and a VTuber, who makes game engines and VTuber Software.

My current project is an open source (BSD 2-clause) 2D animation suite that allows animating PSD files in real-time. Mostly for VTuber use (but could be useful for games, like visual novels as well)

With Ada, this foxgirl, being the project's mascot. Ada is designed by uwu

@lyncia yeah, makes it kind of eh to me to use this as a seperate vtubing account to put updates on. But oh well.

I forgot you can't change your handle on the fediverse cus activitypub apparently doesn't support that.

Guess I can't make my handle match my twitter handle lol

That or switch language mid sentence without noticing

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Any multilingual moots sometimes just speak with friends for a while, then sounding like they understand you to then realise by the end that you’re speaking a language they don’t know?
I do that one often

I use this a lot less than I should lol

I’m still as alive and gay as ever btw

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.