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????? at reader, weird violence 

fuck you fuck you fuck you *throws a big metal ball into your torso, shattering your body into millions of shards of painted ceramic*

I love you. bless you. *removes your hinges, freeing you at last*

my transition goal is to go from hinged to unhinged

Girls who post are honestly the best kind of girls. My criteria for if I would date u is if u have good posts

death shitpost, I murder the reader, repetitive 

I love you! stabs you! I love you! stabs you! I love you! stabs you! I love you! stab stab stab stab! teehee~ knife emoji

lewd shitpost ?? 

me, seeing just some absolutely enormous dick right before my eyes: [self checkout kiosk voice] welcome valued customer!!

girls can pet girls!!! wow!!
girls can kiss each other too!
come find out!!!


OH: "maybe you need to be a hornier poster then"


i'm escaping, to the ONE place that hasn't been corrupted by capitalism


she/her boys 🤝 he/him lesbians
going so fucking hard on the timeline

kink or something, graphic death threat at reader 

thinking about mixing it up a little, you know? like stabbing you in the stomach over and over again while you lay there and take it, but with every stroke I'm telling you "I love you!!" and "cutie!!" and "haha keep it together dork!!" and maybe blowing a little kiss!!

I'm completely normal and can be trusted with sharp objects! no I'm not weird!!

Drugs, shitpost 

*looks at a bottle of dextromethorphan*
Why she urple?

I have been informed that I am in fact a "Joke Thief"

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weapons and flirting?? 

I need to get more weapons so I can take hot pictures of myself posing with them, I guess?? girls like this?? I mean if that's what they want......

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