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if you don't boost this you're a bitch ass motherfucker and also a coward

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OH: "Just remember you can't spell imposter without 'im post'."


Gods I'm such a fucking bottom what the heck


More girls should threaten extreme violence against me I think it would be really hot

hi babes I'm awake!!! hiiii!!! I love you!! haha wowie

I'm gonna kill the president in cold blood. vice president too, ACAB


OH: (distraught) "I'm going to make homestuck into a kink thing!"

nothing, none, don't worry about it 

fun fact: you can just log on and say whatever you want
i'm done with femboy hooters. lets go to TGI(rl) Fridays

DO NOT watch the mario movie trailer, worst mistake of my life!




TO ALL THOSE WHO STAND IN THE WAY OF the free movement of leaves

Monogamous folk: Who are you texting?? 😡😡🤬🤬

Polyamorous folk: Who are you texting?? :blobcateyes: :blobcateyes: :blobthinkingsmirk: :blobthinkingsmirk:


OH: And they were roommates

kinky sub post 

we're approaching crush depth, mistress

plural shitpost 

[who's on first voice] who's on front

home of sexual? how about loam of sexual (I really like a soil with a nice balance of sand, clay, and silt!!!)


Shirt that says "drink me" and booty shorts that say "eat me"

this one goes out to all the kobolds 


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