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it comes on mastodon and makes noises for affirmation because being a "human" all day is upsetting and exhausting

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have you considered becoming a bug
a good choice for any vacation
becoming a bug
for a week or so
eatin fruit or leaves or whatever

you will certainly not regret being a bug

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This is a nap-paganda spreading account
you are not immune to the sleepy

when orcspiration says to touch something soft i think of
"yes...headpat the mimo!"

when orcspiration says to touch something soft i think of
"yes...headpat the mimo!"

I tried to corrupt the image to see if that'd tell me anything about how it was encoded, and it told me to put my hard drive back in.

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floating in the pool in my vic viper pool float
getting ocasionally bopped with powerup beach balls and the ocasional Graidus 3 cube inflatable

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