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@Blakely I've said it before and I'll say it again, the only time Joe Biden was ever cool or correct about anything was when a toilet paper USA person ambushed him like "how many genders are there" and he shot from the hip with "at least three" and when asked to name them was like "don't play games with me kid"

please, i beg

do not leave chronically ill / immunocompromised folks out of #Pride this year

if it is your event, Require Masks (yes, even outside) and supply them


marketing industry, consent 

When you think about it, the whole marketing industry is really just a massive consent violation machine - it *cannot* function without non-consensually pushing things into people's faces, and that is its explicit reason for existence


this post is about the great minnesota democratic party throwdown

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until the complete dismantling of the state all political positions should be filled by those who can prove their valor in the ring of honor

the only thing the christmas cult has ever done for me is give me a handful of days off work

kink bad lactation or whatever 

don't believe the propaganda, keep milking his gay ass

read in your best airport security voice 

Do your part to make air travel weird for everyone. Remember- if you see something suspicious or unusual, say something suspicious or unusual.

self-OH: if i were going to pick music to conquer europe to, death grips would probably be it.

Joyful news: last night Montana state Representative #ZooeyZephyr asked journalist #ErinReed to marry her--and Erin said yes.

All happiness to them.

(and if transphobes and fascists choke on their bitterness over these two lovely women's joy, all the better)

(photo credit David Clumpner)

selfie, eye contact, flirty 

got a new collar and it looks pretty good on me. let's see how it looks on you~

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