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have too much to drink? not to worry, dump it into those bright red salvation army charity buckets

"haha yeah, you guys rock!" I cheer, dumping another handful of aquarium gravel into the Salvation Army donation attendant's bucket

politics, "civility" 

As a bit of context for those who are unfamiliar: "civility" is a tool of oppression. It doesn't consider whether any harm is done at all, only whether the (pretty much arbitrary) requirements of decorum and appearances are met.

In other words: it explicitly permits any harmful behaviour as long as it appears superficially polite and 'professional' enough. As long as it's plausibly deniable enough.

And it punishes those who speak out loudly or emotionally about being harmed, because that doesn't meet the standards of decorum.

It's a favourite staple of conservatives, as well as naive "reach across the aisle" centrists.

And when someone's view on moderation is all about "civility", also a pretty damn reliable signal that they *cannot* be trusted to protect vulnerable and marginalized folks.

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what I'm saying is being a pedestrian in the US is survival horror

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BREAKING: Growing radical movement embraces extremist politics, claiming that life is "about more than just paying bills and dying". To learn more about how this might affect your investments, click here.


you didn't fucking read Critique of Pure Reason quit lying

help a black person who had to leave their job due to being immunocompromised and their job being a COVID risk.

only $10 of a $5k goal raised!

it's called #COP27 because all climate change policy is a cop-out

gender of, well, it's hard to describe. I have it down in this cellar actually if you'll follow me down?

animal kinnies have always been around, neurotypical people just call them cat lovers and dog lovers. Martha got a clock shaped like a CAT on her WALL and it does a silly little thing where it looks back and forth! what do you call yourself, a devotee?? sure, Martha

Corvid Love.
I captured an intimate moment for these two American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos) at a park near my house in #Seattle.

While #crows have a reputation for being jerks, I like this image for showing they have a tender side as well. I observed long enough to know he's not actually poking her eye out; this was an example of "allogrooming" behavior for your science word of the day. You're welcome.

#NaturePhotography #nature #birds #BirdPhotography #birdwatching

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