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stuffing the ballot box in an upcoming vague poll about whether we should be girlfriends

brb making a fantasy game with no white western european inspired characters (outrageous, uncalled for, clearly racist, it'll never be popular)

dear twitter users complaining about how you can't get reach and big engagement on here, it's possible, you're just not funny enough
duckduck go how to download vulture's confidence 2022 easy torrent
ok it looks like I'm supposed to post about software but I am not super attached to any software anymore
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it's me, the infamous trans girl with stubble, here to challenge cisheteronormative conceptions about women's appearance with one simple phrase:

I look fine. I look hot, even

:ad: Hot Trans Girl In Your Area Is Freezing | Warm her up with cuddles NOW or... idk your loss I guess

libs will scream about voting and how important local elections are, but literally like half the positions on my ballot did not have more than one fucking candidate. and I mean c'mon, voting for county sheriff??? lol. lmao. you're fucking funny

only candy this year. not a trace of fentanyl, even in the smarties. another Halloween ruined by antifa

what's gender, you ask? oh that's simple, a gender is basically just a monoid in the category of endofunctors,

orbital laser at reader 

*gently taps you with orbital laser*
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