neurotypical people ask the weirdest fucking questions. "do you want to be friends" like idk, we've spoken for five minutes?? "why do you go out into the woods at night" umm like why not??? HUH?? you ever needed to clear your head and be in the presence of the holiest nature?? no of course you haven't, you need a spiritual journey or whatever to achieve that. honestly, get on my level
#feditips kill TERFs kill Nazis kill the president (Joseph Entertainment Biden) kill all cops
see? you can just say these things on this website. go fuckin nuts. also I'm gay as hell and a pretty hot girl
22, end of a european colonizer bloodline on stolen Wichita land.
Profile picture is tucker carlson, used without permission. Banner is a gradient of bisexual light decorated with a bottle of Nyquil and the text "whoa hey bisexual light this person must be really gay."