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personally, I'm tired of this heat wave. I think we should have a treat wave instead.

might unironically become cisheterophobic tbh

Hi - I'm a reporter at NPR and I'm exploring a story about how campaigns by the far right campaign may be persuading more people of LGB who might not traditionally be considered "part of" the U.S. to exist in public. Why aren't you hiding or dead, like normal fags? I'm wondering if you would be willing to speak with me on why you're a political extremist.

GREAT posts going around the timeline today, everyone! death to america!

We're ending support for our Torment Nexus on-premise products. If you want to continue using Torment Nexus, please check out our new Misery as a Service offerings.

uspol electoralism vent 

2/3 of eligible voters did so in the last election, more than in any before it

dems have the house and senate and presidency

yet their only tactic is to rally their base for midterms. if they win, what happens in January 2023?

will abortion go back to being legal?

will cannabis be decriminalized?

will the police stop murdering Black men?

will anything else fundamentally change?

or will they, at the first sign of a Republican party that wasn't instantly killed by losing an election, circle their wagons, protect their power, and push minorities out as meatshields - you know, like they've done for the past two years?

subtoot, medical 

nobody is being swindled by the hypodermic needle industry, they're being told how not to get aids.

please do not reuse sharps no matter who tells you its "safe." wtf

a lot of people seem to say that transition was a big part of their radicalisation but given chronology i think the communism transed me actually

@vultureculture Oh. "Based" is 4chan-ressurected ironic AAVE that makes fun of people addicted to crack. I steer clear of people that use it nowadays, cuz it's mostly nazis and cryptobros using it unfortunately

Yes, body autonomy is necessary and this needs to be fought.

But women and children are being spirited away by the government and police and never come back. And cops refuse to help if it isn't them who actively took the people.

You CANNOT take that symbol for you. This is happening right now.

Get your own DAMN SYMBOL

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White people are currently using the MMIW handprint to complain about the supreme court and abortion rights.


Make you own FUCKING THING

i think they should do a song where the lyrics are just a random selection of dril tweets

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every cheekface song is like "im a funny little gremlin and we live in a society!" *best guitar riff you've ever heard*

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