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Every morning I wake up, down some coffee, pop a squat on the bog and declare "Oh boy, voting time!"

seconding what Molly Conger said: don't spend a single cent trying to buy back your bodily autonomy from people who sold it out from under you. Don't let Democrats fundraise off their five decades of failure

Why does everyone hate on augmented chords?

murph (mascot of the gender nerf) is dating gritty (mascot of the Philadelphia Flyers, which haven't been a gender since the 80s)


i think, maybe im actually fine and have some kind of ulterior motive in posting that i haven't figured out yet

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The movie hasn't even started yet and im already breaking down

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Even their bathrooms are too loud and heavily travelled. When can I leave?

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Ah yes, the movie theater, my favorite activity, where i can sit still and stare at a too-bright screen and hear too-loud speakers blaring too-mainstream music (or worse, people's voices) for too long. If any neurotypicals have some kind of advice on how to actually enjoy this it would be appreciated.

This kind of smart, walkable, mixed-use urbanism is illegal to build in many American cities

who tf is blaring sicko mode outside my apartment at 3pm on a wednesday

I almost made this post last night but didn't but I think just the act of owning someone else's home is inherently fucked up even on a conceptual level

Dear guitarists,  

Learn how to use your fuckin tone knobs!

cursed, OH 

"this town has a human trafficking problem. i have a human trafficking solution."

A Priori Knowledge of Whether This Substance is Butter is Impossible


any relationship doug bowser and i may have is entirely professional in nature. if there were anything between us, it wouldn't be a matter for public scrutiny and we'd both, i'm sure, prefer our privacy. he seems a nice enough man though

The only time when the bass is only playing root notes actually sounds cool is when the guitar shuts the fuck up

Oh, you're nonbinary? Are you an FLStudio nonbinary or an Ableton nonbinary?


"I'm Kya from DissociaDID - I'm URGENTLY raising funds for a lawyer to represent us in our IP court hearing which is just a few weeks away."

Basically Kya tried to cover it all on their own but they've run out of funds and savings.

Their YouTube channel for sharing information about DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) is invaluable for people diagnosed and not diagnosed. And it got immediately attacked when they weren't reciprocal towards someone they thought was a friend, thus this legal case.

Share the word if nothing else.

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