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Don't forget to forget to vote! Politicians don't give a shit about you, so giving a shit about them beyond as a hazard to your life, wellness, and happiness is a waste of time and energy!

Do they just not know that trans men exist, or are they reverting to defining woman as "that which can have an abortion?" Because either way it looks bad.

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the democrats love their trans voters, transphobia, pregnancy, liberalism 

I'd like to speak to America's men for one moment.

Imagine if you could get pregnant.

Wouldn't that be horrible? Wouldn't that fucking suck? Wouldn't it gnaw a hole in your side? It's a good thing you can't get pregnant, right?

There isn't a man from America who can imagine what it's like to not have bodily autonomy.

We need abortion so WOMEN can make decisions about their own body. NOT MEN.

I'm a progressive democrat.

self harm joker shitpost nsfw cursed 

you cut your finger a thousand times, and nobody bats an eye.

you finger your cuts once, and SOCIETY :garfield:

Don't vote 

Not to mention you should be mad as hell about this, mostly at members of state and federal government, but also at the horrible (or horribly misguided) people who bang the drum for this shit

You are not required to be civil with the people shouting hatred outside your planned parenthood, tell them to fuck off, punch them if they won't leave you alone

You sure as hell shouldn't be expressing your displeasure by voting

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Don't vote, abortion, medical 

Since the healthcare apparatus no longer guarantees the right to an abortion you'll need to guarantee your own and that of your comrades. The best way to do so is to stock up on mifepristone and mistoprolol, both of which are drugs that work through the endocrine system to induce an abortion without surgery. Neither of them are controlled substances yet, so it's less illegal than buying weed (i am not a lawyer). There are risks but you take what you can get sometimes

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uspol-, abortion, anti-lgbt+ bigotry 

Roe v. Wade is gone.

Griswold v. Connecticut is probably next. That means US residents lose their right to privacy.

This also has implications for Lawrence v. Texas, which decriminalized sodomy in this Puritanical hellhole.

Therefore my marriage is about to get a lot more illegal and that's utterly horrifying. The government is trying to take away my wife.

Hope this gets you hyped to vote for whatever shitlibs the dems are running this year.

parental ableism, sadness about child's autism, context & thoughts 

There's a Korean webcomic by a mom whose daughter has autism, and I usually love her work and learn from it because she's fiercely outspoken about ableism and knowledgeable about the autistic spectrum.

It gave me pause though when she talked on an Instagram comic about crying at her daughter's baby pictures. Others chimed in saying they were the same--while they all know the effects of early intervention would have been limited, they keep thinking whether there was more they could have done. It's not necessarily rational, as they themselves know.

And I'm like... idk, yes your feelings are valid and worth examining, but that doesn't mean the beliefs they are based on are right. You wouldn't feel that guilt and grief if you didn't think on some level that autism is a tragedy, and if your expectations and wants for your child didn't exclude disability.

If you can't approach the reality of your child with unreserved joy they will sense it (and anyone who denies autistic people respond to emotions will be summarily slapped, I don't make the rules), and it will harm them. Like it's awesome that you speak out against the world's ableism, but examine and educate yourself too or your pain will hurt your child.

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under anarchism it will take two, maybe three comrades with strong arms and a ladder to change a log by bolb

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shitpost, conservatism, uspol, transphobia 

What's this? A dunk on liberals? Better look bipartisan!

How many conservatives does it take to change a log by bolb? Well, back in MY day we used TORCHES and GAS LAMPS and WE LIKED IT JUST FINE!! Damn commies want their lightbulbs changed, next thing you know they'll be changing their gdneder!!!!!

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shitpost, liberalism, uspol 

How many liberals does it take to change a log by bulb? 10 in a committee to study the effectiveness of the current log by bulb, 51 to get a bill allocating more funds to log by bulbs past the senate, 218 to get the same bill past the house (revised and watered down), one president to sign log by bulb funding into law, and one conservative to fuck it all up two years later, while the previous log by bulb remains in place because liberals never change anything.

shitpost, caps 

if you see someone claiming to be neil cicierega from lemon demon and they need your credit card info to buy a mic to keep making music - DO NOT SEND IT TO THEM. neil cicierega don't need no credit card. (Cicierega, N. Mouth Sounds, 2014)

No one here needs to hear this but I'm gonna post it anyway: reminder that autism speaks is a eugenics organization

made myself a banner. only 3 years after joining the site

“full stack developer” but the stack is maslow’s hierarchy of needs

nsfw blasphemy, not lewd, micturiation 

yes it's true that you can't enter the temple because you're not a believer. not me though. I can't go in the temple because immediately after being accepted as a member of the Church and accepting Weird America-Visiting Jesus as my personal savior I peed in the baptismal font. i know, the mormons are so weird about stuff like that. definitely a cult.

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