shitpost, liberalism, uspol 

How many liberals does it take to change a log by bulb? 10 in a committee to study the effectiveness of the current log by bulb, 51 to get a bill allocating more funds to log by bulbs past the senate, 218 to get the same bill past the house (revised and watered down), one president to sign log by bulb funding into law, and one conservative to fuck it all up two years later, while the previous log by bulb remains in place because liberals never change anything.


shitpost, conservatism, uspol, transphobia 

What's this? A dunk on liberals? Better look bipartisan!

How many conservatives does it take to change a log by bolb? Well, back in MY day we used TORCHES and GAS LAMPS and WE LIKED IT JUST FINE!! Damn commies want their lightbulbs changed, next thing you know they'll be changing their gdneder!!!!!

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