re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 5
ah, so the bitch who hurt my special boy is Vriska. Don't care, I hate her
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 5
Tavros has a cat allergy and is so sweet and gentle with everyone and I love this beautiful boy
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 5
imagining a type of person who kins CT of all people
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 5
Homestuck is a story about how a game developer brought about the end of the world in the process of trying to stop the end of the world. really, all the terrible things that happen are the fault of yet another developer who thought they could fix a problem nobody asked them to solve
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 5
surely the game they play will have no side effects
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 1. plural
meeting the character of tentacleTherapist and it's like being hit by a truck as I come to terms with the fact that this is one of my girlfriend's fictives
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. Intermission
"Looks like this one's themed with SPIRITED HORSES. You'll be up to your ass in horses for a whole year. Just great, this is just what you need to be doing."
re: livetooting homestuck. spoilers. 4
Dave loves the birds. so it's hard to say whether I kin Jade or Dave
i hate the future (uspol)
Hollow salves for white guilt emblazon the goal line of the end of the artificial turf which
was assigned arbitrarily the endangered birds of prey from East Philly. Inverted across midfield
Their mortal foes: The Chiefs of old Sioux country (though that people
live now in South Dakota, and fight more for clean water than for trophies) flank wizened glory's arms.
Look up, and say can you see - The skies are graced not by eagles, the roaring masses
drowned in the rift torn 80,000 titanium fan blades wide through the air. Raptors, Hornets and Lightning rule the air now, and as they screech their slogan over
their stricken prey of esoteric balloncraft-
not too much can get close to their nest before it is picked clean, in these hungry days for warbirds-
I hear echoed in it a hollow ringing sadness for all the bones they leave behind. Newsmen cry that the anguished screams are those of a girl. Somewhere else, a demented old man thinks of me (I hope) and wonders how good I'd look in one of those. Dare I elicit his disfavor by denying the possibility openly? When he asks why I am not proud to be an American, I do not know where to start. There is too vast a gulf between reality and the Caucasian somnolence of Plano. Perhaps it is best he rests eternal unaware
plural moments
our terezi fictive is causing perturbances in the pixie dot town matrix server because she has yet to learn about the slash my room nick command >:[ #BugReport
shitposting abt a horrific environmental disaster caused by willful neglect of american rail infrastructure and hideous working conditions, terrible post bestie please take your meds
It is raining hydrochloric acid, phosgene, and vinyl chloride in ohio and will probably do so in trace amounts over much of the midwest after a norfolk southern train derailed outside of the inauspiciously named town of east palestine. remember, folks, phosgene smells like freshly cut grass, so if you smell your neighbor mowing the lawn, might be a good idea to put on a gas mask. also this could have been avoided if norfolk southern hadn't put off long overdue maintenance on obsolete rolling stock and overworked crews nearly to the point of death with "precision scheduled railroading". haven't read anything about it, don't know the story or live near the area, don't know anything about railroading save that it goes choo choo, just a prediction. at least the town wasn't named east bagdhad because then george w bush would have instinctively ordered the texas national guard to bomb ohio (which he can do at any time, by the way, it's in the state constitution). thoughts and prayers to all those who have to live in the midwest
22, end of a european colonizer bloodline on stolen Wichita land.
Profile picture is tucker carlson, used without permission. Banner is a gradient of bisexual light decorated with a bottle of Nyquil and the text "whoa hey bisexual light this person must be really gay."