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lewd subtoot 

trans mommy domme who tells me "get off the Nintendo and come get me off instead!" 🥺😳💕


transmedicalists when we lactate all over them

lewd shitpost 

Weapons of Ass Destruction

quick PSA, users doesn't appear to have issues with hosting disqordia people who have alts on various parts of fash fedi or are just abusive channers elsewhere. I've not seen anything done about a concerning report I forwarded to them a few months ago about this. I am probably not taking new follows anyways, but I would be extra scrutinizing of profiles on that instance if I were you.

nsfw 9/11 joke because I am very serious and america deserves deep respect for it's wounded nationalism 

@mossfet lol yeah :gwbush:

cum, joke 

@mossweaver @Baryons *ryu voice* ha-splooshin' :cum:

nsfw, nude, boobs, titties, bazoingas, too many hashtags 

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slut pact, not strictly speaking a nsfw post 

it is the mission of many an ambitious admin to "slut it up" and keep facebook far away. this is true bravery and I commend all those who choose to make a noble contribution

nudity, suggestive

picture of my tits 

I heard we are posting tits against Meta today :blobuwu: :boobs:

OH: lewd 

"my perusal of hentai is more academic"

lewd silly, uspol 

OH: grinding for throat goat nancy reagan better watch her back

porn mention 

goodreads for porn

cursed, lewd 

I saw a femboy with a Lenin ass tat

observation about the lack of alt text on erotic adult content 

@amy yeah people can be lazy in a way that is almost a turn off compared to the image. I just see some text that's just "me naked" or something. Give me a fucking guided tour of what I'm looking at instead, it can be really hot and empowering and even help guide your audience to refer to you in terms you find hot and rewarding.

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