clown lewdness 

@rezzish pulling ridiculous amounts of colorful tied together rags out of my pants until one of them comes out with a plug tied to it and then I do a little clown giggle and honk my nose

nude, genitals, lewd text at reader 

@cumulobimbus oh my gosh the drippy :blobcatahegao:

flirt re: naked and sweaty 

@cumulobimbus *mlem mlem mlem mlem sniff mlem*
:blobcat_mlem: 🏳️‍🌈

flirt re: naked and sweaty 

@cumulobimbus :blob_melt_sob_love: whoa❤️ gosh need help drying off? I could help clean you up🥺🏳️‍🌈

@fillertrack they are also really really useful for partners that need warmth! Simply put your hands or feet under them and warm up quickly!

re: lewd 

@rosegardenad just keep sucking until everyone is lactating! Don't give up!!


@salmon sending you pussy-crafting vibes from one bussy chakra to another 🙏

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