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typing a bunch of emoticons into the terminal and bricking my computer

I never really used it but the Google+ 'circles' to which to share something to was pretty cool. ie public/friends/specific groups

mastodon should have that tbh, just locked account + followers-only as an all-or-nothing sucks

Please, Americans, if you do nothing else today, then please take action against EARN-IT.

We discussed it on the show, but it would destroy online privacy, crypto, etc. This is no joke. Please, take action TODAY as it goes up for a vote July 2nd.

If you love Free Software or Privacy, this bill has to die!

if piracy is a lost sale then i guess libraries are theft too

lewd silly 

excessive foreskin is just nature's change purse

I've mentioned this before but I'll say it again: if you want some wholesome / nostalgic internet times, check out Wiby, the "Search Engine for the Classic Web". It's based on (moderated) user submissions of old school websites. Use #WibyFinds to post the good stuff you come across!!!

I just found Zack's Snake Page, which is actually just a giant image with hot zones you can click to go to other images???

IRC has a /kill command and I sincerely wish it did more than just disconnect the user

At least cause their computer to scold them

source code, C crimes 

#define 👇 { #define 👆 } #define 👉 ( #define 👈 ) #define 👏 ; #include <stdio.h> int main() 👇 if 👉 5 > 1 👈 👇 printf 👉 "Hello!" 👈 👏 👆 else 👇 printf 👉 "Oh no!" 👈 👏 👆 👆

Un bébé lamantin qui tête.
Parce que c'est mignon.

Et que les tétines sont sous les pattes.
Et ça me perturbe joyeusement.

im so happy with this shot.
dusk, after rain, so comf and so aesthetic

"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempts to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary." - Karl Marx

Never let them tell you the "radical Antifa terrorist left" is pushing gun control. The left has always been armed (see the black panthers and EZLN, both of whom knew that armed community defense was vital in the struggle against capital and the state). And when 2A chuds talk about armed rebellion against a tyrannical government...

well, you know what they say about stopped clocks.

So, remember about a month ago when stuff about the Linux Fox Girl went around? Someone reportedly tracked down Alan Mackey, and got his blessing on giving her a name (Xenia), and accidentally confirmed the character to be trans.


Layleen, a beloved Afro-Latinx trans woman, was incarcerated and killed by prison guards, all because she could not afford to pay bail. This is horrifying and to heap more on this tragedy, she was dead-named by the Bronx DA.

Layleen's death was preventable. Incarceration and detention must end. Prisons and jails are unable to keep people safe at any time, and now more than ever in the midst of a pandemic. We must work to end all forms of state violence.

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