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zoomers don't know why the 💾 and 📞 symbols look like that

"hey son, it's finally time we had the talk...

"...about the changes to google's terms and conditions"

Fucking piece of shit. Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?

"At first, the company's plan was to send a tow truck to tow the Prius a few miles closer to civilization, but that would be too easy. It appears GIG's customer service unhelpfully suggested Paul and her companion spend the night sleeping in the car and trying to start the car again the next morning."

it's fine to enjoy things unless they're Disney. to those of you who enjoy Disney things: please turn yourself in for revolutionary education

I got audio working properly on my with Ubuntu Touch. Streaming video from my server is pretty smooth. I can't figure out how to rotate the screen in UT yet. Headphones work, but audio will play out of both the headphones and the speakers when you have them plugged in.

using NoScript has really opened my eyes to how fucking garbage the modern web is.

something that should just be a static site with information about a UI framework? page is entirely blank unless i allow the domain in noscript.

update-initramfs said it failed but if I never reboot I won't have to deal with this :blobthinkingcool:

Pixel #art source versus how it actually looked like on an arcade, television and early home computer CRTs.

90's PC displays had sharper pixels but still had a mild anti-aliasing effect that should not be ignored in emulation.

Note how the CRT hardware anti-aliasing effect creates the detail of a face on the skeleton's shield, where as the source looks like an incoherent blob of pixels - this was because the artist purposely designed the sprites for the final CRT render.

And here's my fourth OS in just over 24 hours, Ubuntu Touch - so far, definitely the least frustrating experience of the four

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that is not to say it is without frustrations, merely that they are lesser frustrations (why can't I set my time zone correctly) rather than greater frustrations (why does it keep turning off the display while I'm using it)

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The latest build of Ubuntu Touch is working pretty well on my . I can even stream videos from my Jellyfin server.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.