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My came in today. I'm downloading some images to try out on it. The build quality feels good, and it seems repairable.

busted for masterminding an international bank heist because of my paper trail of DeviantArt fandom accounts in the mid 2000s

February 6th is the International Day Against Female Genital Mutilation. Here is a video of Soraya Mire, a survivor of FGM, talking about her experiences: She advocates for the right of all people to autonomy over their own bodies.

This cute dog is a monster. He can open doors and has developed a habit of bursting into the room when you’re sleeping. When I (lovingly) told him he’s a monster, he struck this pose. This is why he always wins and we are very tired.

It's Doom (in Quake), so exagerrated violence 

I can see a C&D in this mod's future. :blobawkward:

I know you asked us not to kill Shitparade, but we had to at least torture him a little :oh_no:
Have I mentioned we have a patreon with an exclusive Discord channel where I post WIPs and things?

ddrescue finally finished yesterday, and it was able to get 99.91% of the drive. The partition table was corrupted, but I was able to use testdisk on the ddrescue image to rebuild it and then repair the NTFS file table to copy everything off.

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Software is like an onion. If you open up the inner layers you start crying

currently hhhhh over firefox's copy as curl feature

it copies the WHOLE request as a curl command, headers and post data and all
so you can replicate the exact thing in the terminal

Valve confirmed that Half-Life: Alyx will contain a train sequence. 😊 No Half-Life game is complete without one (unless it's for symbolic reasons) 😊

I drew this probably two years ago and it's been on my door ever since 😊

remember this story? remember how it just fucking HAPPENED??? it wasnt like the routine killings that just dont get reported on, this shit was a widely reported news story and nobody fucking gave a shit, none of these criminals faced any repercutions whatsoever its just "kill browns? yep thats what we do"

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.