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I just ran across a good article with illustrations and explanations of different kinds of intersex genitals. It explains how many of the operations performed on children without their consent are unneeded and often harmful.

"We need society, the medical field, and intersex communities themselves to acknowledge that nature provides humanity with a wide range of forms, so that all of our bodies can be recognized as valid. Unless there is an actual rare functional problem, our bodies should not be altered in infancy, and only those functional problems should be addressed. Our genitals should be altered only if we ourselves request it, to make ourselves comfortable in our own skin, not to make society comfortable by our medical erasure. Society must come again to embrace the diversity that is nature's gift to us."

All children deserve to be protected from genital cutting without consent, whether they are male, female, or intersex.

I'm a hacker, just not the type who's good with computers

circumcision It is still not uncommon to circumcise infants without any anesthetic. Last I checked, at least 40% of infant circumcisions in the US are still done without anesthetic. They are strapped down to a board as they have the most sensitive part of their body cut off. The foreskin and glans are fused together at birth, until a boy is at least three years old. When a young child or infant is circumcised, they are torn apart with a metal probe. Even when some anesthetic is used, it can still be very painful. The videos are horrible to watch.

Even if the operation was completely painless, cutting the genitals of someone who can't consent is wrong. Male, female, and intersex children need to be protected from genital cutting. Only a consenting adult should be able to make that choice for themselves. Along with consent, adults can receive proper pain control, and it is less dangerous than performing surgery on an infant.

Things I miss about games using hardware MIDI - suddenly stopping a game causes the last few notes to slowly fade out instead of the music just cutting off, as if someone suddenly yanked a pianist from their piano.

:blank: :blank: :blank: :oh_no_bubble:
🎹 💨 :blobreach:

WebAssembly will finally solve the recent browser incompatibility problems of modern web apps. If someone for example uses Firefox, you just download a WebAssembly Electron and execute your amazing web app in it! 👍

We should have just stopped inventing new computer things in 1999

usa, pol, straws lmao I can't fucking believe this 

@radicalrobit and they're $1.50 a straw

Dang. Now, if only they can do it with his evil grin face.... #doom #doomguy

Futurism: Someone Used a Neural Network to Draw Doom Guy in High-Res.

“Now is the time for doctors to respect the rights of intersex people, use compassionate care with children and only perform surgery when the health of a child is at imminent risk or it is consensual”

All people deserve autonomy over their own bodies, whether they are male, female, or intersex.

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