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Sysadmin lifehack:

Increase your system's uptime with this simple command:

sudo rm -rf /bin/shutdown

Ok... becoming rather impressed with MailCow... if you're looking to ditch mega-mail and roll your own, you should check it out! I'm running a couple dockerized instances.


The real truth is: THERE IS NO BRIGHT SIDE

MGM, Circumcision, Male Genitalia 

Interesting article on #Penises, #Foreskins, and #Circumcision. Leave those babies alone, America!
"The most sensitive spot on circumcised men was the circumcision scar; in uncircumcised men, it was the foreskin."

Having a Facebook account "just for memes" is like having a set of men in vans sitting outside your house, constantly monitoring your every move and word, information of which they will quickly sell to the highest bidder, just so that you can get in a few good nose-exhales because they also happen to deliver funny newspapers right to your door.

The BOOKS will stop working...

F*ck DRM, get Calibre and backup the stuff that you bought.

Also: ask your favorite author if you can buy their e-books DRM free. They need our support to keep writing, DRM is only corporate bullsh*t barrier between the author and their readers.

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Behold, my mini-monitor X220 mod. It looks terrible, is very impractical, and I totally love it.

[en] #Diffu is a Free Software allowing authors to publish all kinds of texts or articles and to aggregate the reactions they generate on social networks, especially through #ActivityPub such as #Mastodon, #PeerTube, #Pleroma, #PixelFed, #Funkwhale, #Hubzilla, #GNUSocial ...

Diffu is a kind of free and federated alternative to #Medium or other applications that are not always easy to install.

To develop it, we launch a crowdfunding campaign

ReToot are welcome 😉 !

A great article that a friend sent me yesterday, "In Support of Iceland's Proposed Involuntary-Circumcision Ban " :

Dear IT-humans: Please do yourselves a favour and create security@ as an email address on all of your domains which is actually routed and read by someone with knowledge about your IT!
That way you make it easy for people who accidentally stumble upon security issues with your infrastructure to actually report them to you.

The sheer fact of having and reading security@ (as mandated by RFC 2142) will help improving your IT security.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.