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All browser prompts need a "Lie" function in addition to Allow and Block.

<Website> wants to:
* Know your location
* Use your camera
[ Allow ] [ Block ] [ Lie ]

i don't like ray tracing, who the fuck cares where ray is? leave the man alone

Did you know Projekt Red obtained a trademark on "cyberpunk"?

And that they're now pursuing a claim against the designer of a TTRPG, Neon Nights?

@ljwrites Yeah, emacs works great with wayland, I haven't had any problems with it. I have had problems with a couple other programs, mostly games, but most things work perfectly. The main reason I switched to sway was for multi monitor freesync, since it's the only WM that supports freesync on more than one monitor so far. I had my nav commands bound the same way on i3wm when I was using that.

@ljwrites I use emacs-like keybinds with swaywm. Super+{p,n,b,f} is bound for navigation instead of hjkl. I leave most other keys alone.

I may be reaching a bit, but does anyone know of a good application on Android platforms for editing org-mode (.org) files? The solutions I currently have are:

- Some specially-made app
- Use emacs via Termux

If anyone has a recommendation for an app that's free and does not require rooting the phone, I'd appreciate it. Boosts appreciated!

bios, accessibility 

i don't see why in the age of UEFI the BIOS can't include a screen reader. you have fancy UIs, you don't have sound? at least document your UI then in a manual and add hot keys for navigation. like what the hell dude

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surgery, consent "A surgery performed on a child without their consent should be functional, not social or cosmetic in nature"

aaaa this is the best initiative ever

there's an underwater livestream near a sluice, and if there's fish you can use the doorbell button to alert the control person, if there's many fish they open the sluice gates to let the fish through

@thufie My sister gets this on her windows system too, so I think it's not OS specific.

One of my dogs likes tennis balls and the other likes sticks. I am getting them this educational toy so that they will learn about topology.

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.