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Cw transphobia, violence, but the queer anarchists win in the end 

Neat write up on the tenacious unicorn ranch:

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Boosts because I just heard about another "sighted people putting blindfolds on at their workplace" and I'm grumpy again. :)

Especially when I thought they already figured out point 2 here! I know about them /because/ they're consulting with a focus group of people with sight loss. They have the rich, complex information we've given them from our experiences! What is the blindfold going to add to that?

It'll center their abled experiences, which I guess to them is a feature and not a bug

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In case you weren’t aware, here’s one of the many ways unregulated electronics bought online can be dangerous. A regulation Australian IEC cable must have 3x 0.75mm²+ double-insulated stranded copper conductors. This cable appears to meet that requirement at first glance — it’s marked that way on the outside, and cutting in, the PVC colours are wrong but otherwise appear okay.

But then, scrape some of the copper, and it suddenly turns silver. It’s CCA, or Copper-Clad Aluminium. A sneaky and cheap but worse conductor. The aluminium holds up much worse to corrosion and bending, and will crumble to powder inside the cables over time. Through this process it will increase its resistance, turning into a fire-starter. Very dangerous and invisible without destroying the cable to examine it. #safety #psa

Cyberia Computer Club has its first Matrix Space! 

Matrix spaces aren't anything new, but Cyberia had been holding off on making one 'till they were out of beta.

By popular demand, though (and to make onboarding new folks easier), I'd like to let folks know that you can find our typical newbie-suggested channels in the space!

Here you have great hits like , -me-learn and , all under one roof! Plus, we just re-did our SSL, so uh, wanna help us test federation? 😅

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Assuming ghosts are subject to the laws of physics, and they can pass through things, it should logically follow they are some manner of amalgamation in the EM spectrum

Therefore it should be feasible on some level to hack ghosts and infect them with ransomhauntware

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banjo man eye contact 

I idenitify very closely with space ship banjo man.

The Barbie Glamtastic Texter is now sold out on the main, $3/pair listing.

What have we done.

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Looking for some whimsy in your Monday?

Try hanging out with some clowns while they train acrobatics and other circus skills!

The conversation is weird, and the people are good.

(and vice versa.)

The #CircusInPlace video chat starts at 8pm UTC-5, and runs late enough for people all over the world to drop in and say hello.

Looking forward to seeing you!

covid, delta, event logistics, venting, stats, (-) 

In the last few weeks, we went from 2 in 10,000 cases in my county to 8 in 10,000. And that data is a lagging indicator. I spent a good chunk of my weekend working through adjusting group plans as a result. In almost every case, it was bittersweet (Cyberians are wonderful 💙), but not too bad. In one, however, it was exhausting.

I can't believe how many times I heard "If it's a bad idea to have an event, then they'd make it illegal." from leftists who should know a hell of a lot more about politics than that.

It made me think that this is one of those weird times where hanging out with right-wing folks as a teenager was actually helpful: sometimes, it's up to you, and just you, to do the right thing. You cannot fall back on authority or legality to supply morality in changing times, you simply cannot.

We are not helpless on the winds of politics; we're allowed to adapt and respond however we think is best. Sometimes that might mean saying "I'm sorry, but we cannot in good conscience ask people to join us right now."

It's not rocket science and it's not fear; it's simple compassion for at-risk folks and a hope for a healthy community.

Bleh. Send ice cream. </vent>

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Is it just me or does anyone else think this old factory building looks like a snowman? 😁

self care tips for when you aren't sleeping enough, mh 

Ok. Be kind to yourself and your friends, help each other explore, and try not to stress each other out or push them to drive themselves too hard.

If you've got any other tips you'd like to share, happy to hear 'em! :)

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self care tips for when you aren't sleeping enough, mh 

To wrap up, I often think of this time as my 'bonus executive function' time and try to set up systems to fall back on for days/weeks I'm really low on spoons. Even though you have energy, if you're not resting much, your brain likely isn't nearly as good at learning, so it's very important for me to write things down for later use.

I try to focus on preparing/planning/executive function things, and take very good notes, since I'm rarely able to remember small details a few months later. Once I settle down again and mellow, I'll quietly poke away at the projects.

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self care tips for when you aren't sleeping enough, mh 

5. Make the use of some of your extra go-gettedness to try to spend a little more time taking care of yourself or experimenting with new things. Maybe cook something new from scratch, gather ingredients to make a project, or outline a new idea. It's a good time for growth and planning, but try to avoid deadlines.

Remember: just because you might be able to do something in a day today doesn't mean you'll be able to be as efficient in a few days. Not getting adequate rest can have substantial longer term impacts, so as soon as you feel like you can settle down again, please please please try to let yourself.

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