
covid, delta, event logistics, venting, stats, (-) 

In the last few weeks, we went from 2 in 10,000 cases in my county to 8 in 10,000. And that data is a lagging indicator. I spent a good chunk of my weekend working through adjusting group plans as a result. In almost every case, it was bittersweet (Cyberians are wonderful 💙), but not too bad. In one, however, it was exhausting.

I can't believe how many times I heard "If it's a bad idea to have an event, then they'd make it illegal." from leftists who should know a hell of a lot more about politics than that.

It made me think that this is one of those weird times where hanging out with right-wing folks as a teenager was actually helpful: sometimes, it's up to you, and just you, to do the right thing. You cannot fall back on authority or legality to supply morality in changing times, you simply cannot.

We are not helpless on the winds of politics; we're allowed to adapt and respond however we think is best. Sometimes that might mean saying "I'm sorry, but we cannot in good conscience ask people to join us right now."

It's not rocket science and it's not fear; it's simple compassion for at-risk folks and a hope for a healthy community.

Bleh. Send ice cream. </vent>

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