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If you read about Jean and Jorts, please read this too.

the extended metaphor for workplace accommodations nobody asked for

"Abled people spend a significant amount of time designing things they just assume will work for disabled people because they think that disability awareness is a matter of *morals* and not practicality. They think that ‘being a good person and having good intentions’ is enough to understand what’s needed, because they’re trying, and that’s the important thing. Nope. The important thing is that it actually provides a solution to a problem, and if you don’t speak to disabled people before buttering them with margarine, you may find a horde of angry people who don’t really care that you thought you were doing a good thing with your weird ramp if it’s so steep it’ll tip a person into traffic, or your metal studs in the pavement help one group of people while providing a major slip hazard for others."

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Now I discover
that the templates have been put
up for deletion

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White people know this. Hell, all non-Black folk know this. They profit off us: our fuckups, our mental illness, our lack of knowledge of how money works in this society.

I dunno the answers. But I want to strive to work towards our betterment. The freedom we were promised but never got (because that would be "ReVeRsE RaCiSiM!1!").

We're gonna get free. Free of just being the workers in their warehouses. Free of being their excuses of excessive policing and rousting of the homeless.

And I'll dedicate the rest of my lifeforce to making this the truth.

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Friend of mine will be doing free online Javascript classes on matrix. Mostly self-directed, in a classical setting, but with (more or less) 1:1 support from them whenever you get stuck. You'll be working on a project of *your* choice. The teaching is text-based, but you don't need to be good at expressing problems in text!

Marginalized folks particularly encouraged.

~3 hours a week, skipping sessions not an issue, schedule tbd with participants

more info:
matrix room:

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I know there are folks on the fediverse who work for companies like Google and Amazon (Ive seen your bio's, you cant hide from me).

I wanna know: how many Black devs do you work with? How many black devs -- or fuck, just Black folks in general -- have been hired on around your sphere?

I can definitely guess as to what these statistics are, but I wanna know forreal. Let me know.

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on the Amazon warehouse disaster (long) 

The Amazon warehouse collapse reminds vee of my own brushes with companies that put their profit over worker safety in such a flagrant manner.

The thing is, from the inside, it's never quite so flagrant. There's never a human being telling you to your face "Yes we're putting you at risk to keep our profits up". It's always a policy, an oversight, a glitch, something that's being worked on.

My first real job was a call center in Florida. I remember when hurricane season hit and we were given a number to call each day before leaving for work to check if the office was open. It always was. Every time.

I remember one particular day we had a predicted hurricane landfall set for my commute hours. I decided not to go; I'd be spending half an hour on the road right when it was projected to hit; no way. I tried to call in, using the automated PBX garbage we were instructed to. It was "down".

I tried to call my manager, couldn't reach him. I eventually called HR directly and was told if I didn't submit my call-in to the PBX I'd be considered a no-show and terminated. When I explained the PBX was down, the rep repeated their statement verbatim. I explained again, they repeated again.

They didn't know (or rather wouldn't tell) who to contact about the PBX being down. They said it was an oversight in process and they'd look into having someone to call for next time.

That's when it kind of clicked for vee, you know? I refused to go in; I got "lucky". The office got closed basically by order from the state. Next time I went in for work, parts of the building were damaged; I got seated next to a blown out window. I got rained on during my shift.

In my next manager meeting I relayed this story to him. He nodded slowly and jumped into an obviously rehearsed speech about "Yes our policy says you must call the PBX to call in. It being down is an oversight. We will consider revising the policy in the coming weeks"

They never did. They didn't because this was all deliberate. Never tell your workers "We're abusing you", but put up velvet ropes so they can't exit the planned path. The planned path being abuse.

It's never flagrant. They never bold-faced tell you. They just wall you in, force you to follow a protocol, and claim any abuse baked in is "a glitch", then never fix it. They blame the slow wheels of business, every time. A fix is coming, once all the stakeholders sync up.

Then people die because with no humane, basic respect for their safety and dignity, they're left with the choice to submit to the abusive system or be victimized "by policy"

I'm not surprised this happened.

Lack of focus, hearing, anxiety, work (minor mh -) 

Me [having trouble focusing on work, decides it's anxiety about upcoming appointments that I'm having trouble tracking]

Me [reaches out to doctors offices to figure out if I can make them all, marks them on my work calendar.]

Me [having trouble focusing on work, wonders if wrong temperature]

Me [adjusts thermostat]

Me [still having trouble focusing on work, wonders if it might be uncertainty around packages]

Me [checks tracking on packages, none are on doorstep]

Me [having trouble focusing on work, wonder if I need food/drink]

Me [gets food/drink]

Me [having trouble focusing on work, wonder if I need a rest]

Me [reads in bed for twenty minutes then goes back to work]

Me [can't focus on work, decides it must be lack of hearing device]

Me [showers, gets dressed in not pyjamas, shaves undercut to make room for hearing device adhesion patch, cleans skin with alcohol swab for patch, installs patch, waits ten minutes, puts on hearing device]

Me [still can't focus on work]

Me [turns on music]

Me [dishwasher is on and music is on, still can't focus on work]

Me [decides that the music must be the wrong genre, realizes that I'm really just in the mood to listen to low frequency machining and jet engine noises]

[hearing aid will not produce jet engine sounds]

Me: it feels like I haven't gotten anything done all day, but why am I so tired?

Oh. That's why! 😛

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I just returned from Atlanta, Georgia where @j3s and I did maintenance on Baikal, cyberia's server and the workhorse behind

Baikal has been running for years with an inefficient QEMU VirtIO configuration which caused its SSD disks to wear out much faster than they should, and our decision to use NVME drives for some of the disks in the ZFS pool almost prevented us from being able to expand disk capacity to meet demand: We kept mailing PCI-e to NVME adapters to the datacenter and they kept saying "It doesn't fit".

Life happened and it got kinda bad, with a legitimate risk of everything going kablooie, so we had to work hard to get everything fixed in short order and ensure that our little project has a future. I suppose it's not-so-little anymore, depending on your perspective.

Attached are a couple fun pictures from the trip. You can also see a video I took of us replacing one of the SSDs that was wearing out here:

I was sweating bullets while j3s carefully pulled the disk out of the server while it was running 😅

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Use programming-positive language!

🚫 DON'T say "arbitrary code execution vulnerability"

✔️ DO say "surprise extension API"

Art has a riding crop in it, heating living space 

I decided it looked a bit too flat

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Art has a riding crop in it, heating living space 

A friend helped install plastic insulation sheets over my patio doors yesterday. I paid him in a watercolor commission.

My condo is now much warmer!

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I just heard a little honk and was like, What notification was THAT, I do not recognize it, and turns out there was a literal goose outside

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nonbinary as in

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The very first release of Matrix Stream Chat is here!

powered community interactions on *your* livestreaming, through any OBS supported service!

code & instructions at

and hosted instance at

Activision Blizzard strike, link to fundraiser 

A friend of mine works in QA at Activision Blizzard. The employees there are trying to unionize and get better working conditions. There is currently a national strike with a handful of international offices striking in solidarity.

If you believe in a future where AAA games are made by people with dental insurance and have time to raise their kids, please consider spreading the word or contributing to the fund. I can't speak to the conditions elsewhere, but they're certainly not being met in Minneapolis.

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Thanks, by W. S. Merwin 


with the night falling we are saying thank you
we are stopping on the bridges to bow from the railings
we are running out of the glass rooms
with our mouths full of food to look at the sky
and say thank you
we are standing by the water thanking it
standing by the windows looking out
in our directions

back from a series of hospitals back from a mugging
after funerals we are saying thank you
after the news of the dead
whether or not we knew them we are saying thank you

over telephones we are saying thank you
in doorways and in the backs of cars and in elevators
remembering wars and the police at the door
and the beatings on stairs we are saying thank you
in the banks we are saying thank you
in the faces of the officials and the rich
and of all who will never change
we go on saying thank you thank you

with the animals dying around us
taking our feelings we are saying thank you
with the forests falling faster than the minutes
of our lives we are saying thank you
with the words going out like cells of a brain
with the cities growing over us
we are saying thank you faster and faster
with nobody listening we are saying thank you
thank you we are saying and waving
dark though it is

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hell yeah!

First running prototype of Matrix Stream Chat, powered community interactions on *your* livestreaming!

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the topic of what trans (or adjacent) people picked for names came up in a channel i'm on, and i'm kinda curious where the hell they all got their names from (due to a high density of certain names), so i'm doing a Purely Unscientific™ poll on a site full of people who could answer this. answer if you want, please boost if you want, i ain't gonna do shit with this info

(also: testing if polls on this dingus even work)
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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.