Does anyone have thoughts on hCaptcha? Gitea gets absolutely flooded with spam signups without a captcha, but I'd really like to make registration open again :boost_requested:

@f0x if you're interested, I think @forestjohnson grew his own proof of work captcha. Not sure the state of it, but thought I'd mention.

@starless @forestjohnson oh yeah, I remember that!
Sadly it seems these are people manually creating spam accounts, so none of these solutions really work, short of doing approval based signups :|


@f0x I wonder if a secret password kinda system could work?

Like, "what is the name of the best hacker soda" or "what is the lovable shark plush?"

Wild that humans are making those accounts, though....

@f0x "write me a haiku" connected with pythons syllable thing might be fun, but maybe too easy to scam

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Small server part of the infrastructure. Registration is closed.