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i like computers just *starts listing a whole bunch of stuff i dont like, like fossbros and microsoft windows*

computer microphone shaped like a landline phone so i can answer calls in a silly way

doll with interest in obscure weird old technology :marilove: me

its a funny little tablet pc appliance from dos days that was an attempt at a document collaboration system by hp

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this threat only works for those who know what the hell that is i think

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thats it im faxing your ass to the HP Omnishare

ok so doll breakfast and then i bap the notebook computer keys

i want a browser plugin that lets me destroy the fucking green frog with a variety of weapons

simply didnt understand the call of the soft and warm bed that traps many entities

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maslows hierarchy of needs but it has "comfy cozy" as a basic need

i put a lesbian flag on my laptop and now its trying to kiss me

i must know if my stove can run gotosocial. my toaster is federating. it posts when the bread is ready. my weathervane got blocked for spamming windspeed.

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