when the shapeshifter finds her long term form, then she will stop shifting forms like clothes sets

A friend informed me that alerts about ICE and other dangerous groups should use the SALUTE system to prevent bad actors from spreading unnecessary fear.

the best form of resistance for people who have things to lose is to not outright protest. it's the tiny things to get under people's skin. lose a document, move the stapler. make a bunch of tiny inconveniences that add up to drive people insane. you don't necessarily have to put yourself in the line. just do your work a bit sloppier than you normally would. stop providing to the establishment without compensation. i hope the people around me know not to take on hours, added responsibilities, liability that they don't get paid for. still, it needs to be said. if you're the "glue" holding everything together... let some things fall.

the media server and like, info center for old devices to connect to on lan

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today is setting up the navi homebase because if i dont reference Lain at least once in some of my computer touching

shoot left ramp to activate frills and bows bonuses then hit all lit targets to activate royal dress multiball

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doll thats all dressed up fancy and is librarian

US politics, the coup, and data scrubbing 

Apologies for not CWing the original post. Consider boosting this here toot so that people can choose to engage or not.

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What to do if you are a US citizen detained by ICE 

You need to have proof of citizenship on you at all times, this may not help but it can't hurt.

If you are able to, notify someone that you are being detained. Have them call up a civil rights lawyer. If possible, figure out who you would want in advance. Your 4th, 5th, and 14th amendment rights are being violated.

Do not talk to ICE without a lawyer present.

If possible, have backups of your proof of citizenship. I have scans of my documents. Do not carry all your paperwork at once, they may try to destroy it. I only carry a drivers license, and leave my passport at home.

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obviously not designed for music but its good enough for listening

also its a sony device

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Small server part of the pixie.town infrastructure. Registration is closed.