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a slower relationship with the internet and computers

alert alert!
bug lovers!!!!
Isopod, a spin off by the creator of Webbed, has a demo available on Steam!!!


when you look into the past with electronics and computing you find all these wacky wild ideas that faded away or got phased out or failed on arrival. all this neat weird stuff.

like nowandays personal computing doesnt really seem to have many big obvious advancements left to make anymore, or nobody wanting to take a risk with something wild. the problems have all been solved or didnt exist to be solved.

laptops would use accelrometers to detect if the laptop went into free fall and then the drive would brace for impact to prevent massive damage

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the only thing its weak to is shock and theres mitigations for that too

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the hard disk drive is an amazing little guy that sounds fragile but is built like a brick shit house

the threat model has been adjusted. Pray i do not adjust it further

why dont laptops come with charm attatchment points

got my rss setup, email, vlc, office stuff, lynx, tic80, handbrake

just need Pico 8, libdvdcss, torrent client for my linux isos, my movies (and plex maybe, depends how much memory it uses idle)

tiney compy

if i released volumes of haiku in book form would others even buy them

theres so many genders on this social network

and bug
and [untranslatable ancient text]
and haunted dress up dolly (me)

"what are you career goals" i want to be warm and surrounded by plushies

the maid dress stays on until server maintinence is complete

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