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i feel tired and sad now

emotions feel like they change on a dime


i feel like ive done soemthing bad again

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: boosted

:boost_requested: Urgent money help needed for basics (I posted this a few days ago but it needs an update as I am now Effectively Homeless as opposed to soon-to-be homeless as I was when I originally posted it.)

I don't have any source of regular income and I'm unemployed. Any kind of help to keep me fed, medicated and help me afford shelter from the winter weather would help a lot. (DM me for PayPal if needed)


played more killzone and they wernt kidding all military shooters do kinda feel the same

mimo :flagQueerVillainPride: boosted

if GtS gets five million euros I'm gonna spend it on filling Kim's house top to toe with baked beans

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in other words Microsoft Game Studios unknowingly constructed a metaphorical boomerang

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