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this is your regular reminder that "because I want to" is a complete and self-supporting reason to transition.

reminder mushihimesama has a puzzle game called mushihimetama where you have to help reco save trapped bugs

Damage/robbing of queer bookshop 

My local indie queer bookshop has been bricked and robbed just before Christmas - Please if you are thinking of buying any books/graphic novels in the UK to have posted - buy from them:

They also have a Pay it forward section if you'd like to donate either £3, £5 or £10 to them:

(This is the same place where I went to the Banned Books talk earlier)

We have to protect our local queer spaces :knife_lgbt:

days since dream involved being/becoming a doll: 0

i want software that turns to dust if a capitalist tries to use it

things you can do with a doll:
pet the doll
place doll in bed
give forehead kissy
cuddle it while snooze
bring it places
show it to your friends
make sure its winding key is properly wound up

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