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I need someone to feed me chocolates and call me a -checks notes- satisfactory small woman.

bitching about mastodon 

there was literally nothing wrong with the topic box/cw box but i guess eugen or whoever else think its automagically a bad thing, as implied by the goddamn police tape ass borders.

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honestly just tired of masto making bizzare changes

what if you wanted to newpipe for some vackground stuff while playing games but newpipe said "App/Ui Crashed"

i wonder if i could max the score counter on pokemon tetris

when the bathwater got too hot and i step in and end up doing my best not opera singer voice

mimogen boosted

friday! just a right now away! can you believe it!

alternate reality: "smart"watches based on pocket watches

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your "weakness of the flesh" cannot compete with my Coolness Of The H15B Acerby Type-B

im learning how to database fear me

its only microsoft access but fear me >:3

mimogen boosted
hi fedi, does amewone have resources fur helping understand and navigating autistic burnout?
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